Blood Thirsty (Alberto x Vampire Reader)

Start from the beginning

She nods quickly "very..."

"Well, what would you like? Ill make something other with garlic."

Y/n's POV

Good thing I told them that...Italians love to add garlic in most of their food.

So I told him the meal Id like and he went to make it for me.

Hmm sweet young man...too bad I have to drink his blood...I could smell it from here~

I walked behind him and caress his arm "tell me about yourself~" I whispered into his ear and he shivered.

"Well...I really love to fish and draw, I also enjoy pasta and play guitar."

Hmm interesting~ he's into the arts.

"That sounds lovely Alberto."

"How about you?"

I better not say hunting for blood...

"Hmm same thing, except fishing and pasta, But I love to sing!"

Good girl~

"I bet you sing wonderful." He handed me a food that looks safe to eat.

No garlic or anything else poisonous. Even though Id love to eat it...but Ill get sick from it...

Well only for him.

--Almost an hour later--

Alberto showed me around the place, it maybe small but its still cozy, then he showed me his bedroom.

"Well, we may not have a guest room, but Ill let you sleep here while I sleep on the couch."

Aww that's so sweet, but I still need his blood.

"Aww hon its okay, I wouldn't mind you sleeping with me, It seems comforting." I said rubbing my hand against his chest, gazing into his stunning eyes.

I could tell he was nervous, how adorable~

"Y-yeah alright, if that's fine with you." He went out to go change his clothes. While I lay on the bed, taking off my boots and skirt off.

A minute later, Alberto came back wearing no shirt and just cozy pj pants.

Wow...he's ripped...

Alberto's POV I only go for personality but she has a nice body...I do hope she won't be fully undressed when I close my eyes.

I make my way over and lay on the bed next to her.

"You comfortable Y/n?" I asked to make sure she is alright. She gave me a nod and she lays down against the wall.

I shut the lamp off and laid on my other side, shutting my eyes.


Y/n's POV

I slowly woke up to see if the coast is clear...I turned to look at him...

*sighs* seeing Alberto sleep is pretty cute, he's all snuggled up like a baby bat.

But what drove me to look at him even more is his neck, the way his head is tilt to the side...

My stomach growled from the sight...I could smell blood on him...the scent smells so good...yet sweet~

I licked my lips to see his exposed neck all smooth and tender, I leaned down to him and place my sharp teeth against his skin.

But I was stopped by that fat cat growling at me...

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