Chapter 39 // Graduation

Start from the beginning


“I remember when Dani locked Sammy in the laundry room in our old apartment building.” My mom said, causing everyone to laugh except Sammy and I. “He cut stuffed animal’s tail off!” I protested, causing everyone to laugh even more. “Ben got his ball stuck up in a tree so Luke helped him get it down but instead of helping Luke down he left him up there in replacement of the ball.” Melanie told us. Luke and Ben stayed quiet while the rest of us laughed. “I was 8.” Ben argued, making Melanie giggle. The waiter came shortly after with all of our food. While we were eating, Luke nudged me and leaned in towards me. “Michael said he’s inviting us to his graduation party tomorrow.” He whispered.

“Do you wanna go?” I asked.

“Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go. With me. I mean you don’t have to go with me because we’ll see each other there. If you wanna go with Vi, or Ash or by yourself that’s cool too.” He stuttered. I smiled and took his hand in mine. “Of course I want to go with you.” His face showed a sign of relief. “Good.”


“PARTY ON BITCHES!” Michael yelled before he cannon balled into the pool. Everyone cheered and continued to dance. Michael’s house was huge. The party was restricted to the 1st floor and the backyard. Apparently he didn’t want the party to lead upstairs if you know what I’m saying… Vi was currently in the pool while I was sitting on the edge. “So have you figured out what you’re going to do with Luke?” She asked.

“I plan to ask him about his future alone. So he won’t feel any pressure with you guys there.”

“So when are you going to ask him?”

“Probably tomorrow or something. Any chance I have alone with him. But not today though.”

“Pizza’s here!! And for those of you that don’t like pizza, get the hell out.” Michael said, earning a laugh from Calum and Ashton.

“Do you want me to get you a slice?” I asked Vi.

“Nah I’m going to continue to swim.” She replied. I got out from the pool and walked towards the forming line. “Dani! You don’t need to wait! There are boxes just for us.” I heard Cal say. I walked towards them and got two slices. “So what do you think of the party?”

“You guys definitely go full out for a party.” I replied to Mike.

“We needed to set the bar for the juniors next year. We were the party kings of the school.” Calum said. We continued to talk until Luke came up to us. “Luke! Just in time! We need help starting the fire.” Ash said.

“What fire?” I asked.

“The bonfire. For the smores.” He smiled, clearly getting excited. Luke followed the boys to the shed as I went to look for Vi. “Why would you do that?” I heard from inside.

“I missed him. I’m sorry. He pushed me away anyway.” The voice sounded like Johanna’s.

“You’re going to ruin them you know that?”

Before I walked inside, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Luke. “Dani, can we talk?”

“Y-yeah.” I replied, following Luke upstairs. We walked upstairs to one of the rooms and closed the door.

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked him.

“Something happened.”

“What happened?”

“Johanna kissed me.” Luke answered.

“So that’s what happened?”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I overheard Johanna and Violet talking about it.” I whispered, looking down at my lap.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? Johanna kissed you.”

“How do you I didn’t kiss back?”

“Johanna said you pushed her away.” I chuckled.

“Good. I did push her away. And I told her I’m happy with my girlfriend.” He smiled.

“Luke I have to ask you something.”

“What is it?” He asked.

“What are your plans for the future?”

“You mean college?” I nodded. He let out a deep breath. “Well I got a bunch of rejection letters. But I’ve done some research and I found a job until I come up with my own money for community college.”

“Where’s the job?”


“Melbourne?” I stood up. “You’re going all the way to Melbourne?”

“Well, yeah. It’s just until I get the money to come back to Sydney’s community college.”

“And when do you start this job?”

“Next week..” He looked down at his fingers.

“When were you supposed to tell me?”


“If you’re leaving, then I can’t do this Luke.”

“What are you talking about Dani?”

“I know long distance relationships don’t work out Luke. And when you come back I’ll be busy with college and who knows when we’ll see each other.” I told him.

“We can make it work, Dani. Please don’t do this.”

“No Luke. We have too. It’s over, Luke.” He stood up and walked closer to me. “Dani, please.” I saw tears starting to form in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” I whispered before giving him a final kiss. I pulled away and left the room. I walked downstairs and to the front door. “Dani where are you going? You’re going to miss the smores.” Ashton said.

“I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.”



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