Chapter 28

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One day, Lupin wasn't teaching DADA. Snape was. He gave no explanation for this besides a sneer and "Professor Lupin is ill. You are not to disturb him."

We had been learning about Bogarts, and Hinkypunks, and all sorts of other magical creatures, but now, apparently we were learning about werewolves.

"What are the basic features of a werewolf that distinguish it from a regular wolf?"

Hermiones hand shot into the air.

"Anyone?" said Snape, completely ignoring Hermnione. "No one knows?"

I frowned, and put my hand up. He ignored me as well. 

"I would have expected any third year class to know this basic information. Obviously you are far behind in your studies. Turn to page three hundred and ninety four in your books."

As everyone got out their books, Snape set up a slideshow of images based on werewolves.

"Now, read the information on pages three hundred and ninty four to four hundred. These pages document several ways to identify werewolves in both their forms. I sugest you digest this information thoroughly, as you are to write three rolls of parchment on this topic for homework. To be handed in in a week."

A collective groan rolled around the classroom.

"What!?! Three rolls of parchment!" Ron exclaimed.

"I'd sugest you get too reading the chapter Mr Weasly. Otherwise it will be four rolls of parchment."

With that, the class settled down, though there was several mutters and glares at Snape. Lupin had not set us homework so far. Speaking of Lupin...

"Professor Snape, Wheres Professor Lupin?"

"He is ill. You are NOT to disturb him."



I read the chapter, but my mind wasn't on it. Lupin was ill? I had been planning to ask him about the Dementors... A visit couldn't do much harm, could it?



WOW. 5000 reads. I <3 you guys! But not in a weird way...

Target: 5700 reads.

Sorry for the late upload...

~The G-ster~

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