Chapter 9: Tomatoes

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Sasuke opened the drawers and took out some of the ingredients and condiments. He open the fridge and took out a fish.  It was hard as stone and has been sitting in the freezer for a few days now. Being a picky eater he is he thought that fresh fish would be better for the miso. He learned to cook a few dishes ever since he became an orphan. The tomato miso is one of his original experimented dishes since tomatoes are his favorite. He never thought Sakura would like it. He gave a little smile.

"I should go to the market." He said to himself. He proceeds to Sakura's room to let her know he'll go out.

He knocked but she didn't answer. "Sakura?" He asked. The door was slightly open. "Sakura, I'm coming in." He said and entered the room. "She's probably taking a bath." He thought. He was about to step outside when he noticed some papers on Sakura's desk. He noticed a little map of Iwagakure, it has some handwritten and doodles which he thought might be from Sakura.

"Sasuke-Kun?" Sakura asks. She came out from the bathroom still wet from head to toe. She's wearing a bathrobe and water was dripping from her hair.

"I-I'm sorry I was about to tell you that I will go to the market." Sasuke said.

Sakura noticed the map Sasuke was holding. "Hey! Have you seen that? I found something that might be useful!" Sakura said. He approached him and kneel beside him. "Look" She took the map from Sasuke and flattened it on the desk using her hands.  "This is one of Orochimaru's hideouts which has a tunnel that is near the hospital. I think Iwagakure can use this as an emergency exit when a crisis happens."
Sakura said, pointing to the tunnel that is drawn to the old map.

Sasuke was just looking at her. He got distracted by the smell of her shampoo.

"Hey, are you listening?" Sakura asked. Her eyebrows were pulled down and together.

He didn't answer, he suddenly kissed her fast.

Realizing what he did, he looked away. His face and ears were all red.

Sakura was startled by what Sasuke did but she was much surprised by his reaction. 

"Who would have thought I could make Uchiha Sasuke all red like a tomato?" She said to herself. She started to feel cocky and smirk.

She put her hands on her lap and lean towards Sasuke. She gave him a peck. She slowly move her face away from her to look if he is redder than a while ago, but before she could even move an inch away, Sasuke push his lips to hers and kissed her longer. He wrapped his palm around the back of her neck and push her face to his. He felt the longing and desire that he's been keeping for a few weeks now bursting out around his body.

Sakura wrapped her arms around his back, "I miss you..." she whispered to herself.

Sasuke's mouth started to explore. He started to gently kiss her neck as his breathing become heavier and heavier.

Sakura tilt her head and she put her hands around his neck as she blushed crimson.
She could feel the warm gentle breath of her love on her moist skin. Her body tensed as she felt his hot breath run down her neck.

Sasuke's hand started to go down from her nape to her back then to her waist as if he is looking for something. He suddenly pulled the belt of Sakura's bathrobe until he untie it and starts to unwrap her wet cover.

Sakura suddenly move away from him, she put her arms on his shoulder to slightly push him away. She was slowly breathing as she whispered, S-Sasuke-Kun wait..." Her green eyes looked down at him. Her heart skip down a bit when she looked at him. His usual cold eyes were suddenly filled with pleading and begging. "You miss me too, my love?" She whispered but they were inaudible. She unconsciously caresses Sasuke's face.

Sasuke put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to her making her sit on her lap. His raven eyes staring at her emerald eyes. They kissed again. He pulled down her robe exposing her upper body. Sakura felt the cold breeze from the open windows but her lover's touch was too warm to make her shiver. She whispered in between kisses, "S-Sasuke, Naruto might come back and see us..."

"No, he won't." He reassured her as he buried his face to her neck.

"B-But the cook, she might come..." She wraps her arms around his neck. Trying to cover her body by hiding behind his body.

Sasuke suddenly hold his wife tight and closer to his body then he stood from sitting and carried her to her bed. He gently lay her on her futon as he started to undress her. Sakura with a worried and bashful tone whispered, "It's too early...It's too bright..." She whispered. She's all red just like a tomato. She covers her body using her arm.

"It's okay..."Sasuke whispered. He took off his clothes and look at his wife. He saw his reflection in Sakura's eyes. Sakura's cheeks were burning. Her beautiful pink wet hair scattered on the futton, some messy strands covered her face.

Sasuke hold her wrist and pinned her hand above her head, he locked eyes with her, and then he smiled, "You're so beautiful."

Sasuke was running because he will be late for dinner. He was rushing towards his house and he didn't even notice that all of the lights in his neighborhood are turned off. When he opened the door of his house, he saw a flood of blood and his parents were floating in it. He wasn't able to say any words because of too much fear in his heart.

"My foolish little brother."

He turned around and saw his older brother, Itachi. Blood was coming out from his mouth as his hand was trying to reach him.

Sasuke was so scared that he step back and trip. He fell to the flood and sat next to his dead parents. He tried to get up but was too scared. He was soaking with blood.

Itachi suddenly collapsed and fell on the flood too. His body started to float.

Sasuke suddenly heard voices from
the walls, "You are alone now! Alone! Alone!"

Little Sasuke started to cry and covered his ears but the voices reverberated from the walls.

Sasuke woke up from the nightmare. He was bathing from his sweat and he could hear the sound of his loud breathing. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the ceiling. The room was dark. His heartbeat was fast and his eyes still has the fear from the nightmare. He tried to get up but he felt something heavy on his right arm. He turned around and Sakura was there, lying beside him and sleeping like a child.

The terror in his eyes vanished. His heartbeat started to slow down, his breathing calmed down and his paled face began to crimson like a fresh tomato.

"Because of you, nightmares are not hard to deal with anymore. Thank you..." He whispered.

He took a closer look into Sakura's beautiful face. He suddenly heard a grumbling sound.

"F-food..." The sleeping Sakura mumbled. Her stomach was rumbling like a clap of thunder.

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