We all threw out encouraging words as he hugged us and made his way up to the stage.

He got on stage and shook hands with Adam Silver, then moved to the mic to say a few words.

"I just want to thank my mom, my uncle Chris and my amazing grandfather for helping and supporting me through my entire basketball journey. My mom has always supported me, ever since I decided I wanted to play basketball. My uncle Chris, always cheering me on and being on me to be the best I could be. And my grandfather, doing drills with me, taking me to and from practice, coming to all my games, and getting me the best trainers in the country. I wouldn't be here without them."

"Thank you, and congratulations Imani." Adam Silver said and shook his hand.

"Thank you, and Toronto, I'll be back soon!" He cheered then made his way off stage.

Aubrey, Marcus and I made our way back stage so we could meet Imani as he came off the stage. As soon as we got to him, Aubrey's phone rang. It was the president of the Raptors, calling to speak to Imani.

"Hello sir!" Imani answered the phone.

"Hello! Whose ready to win a championship! I know you got a little acquainted with the city already, but the other guys we are drafting tonight are going to be flying out tomorrow to get a feel for the city and the facilities, and I want you to come and meet some of your new teammates. Be ready, take off is tomorrow morning at 8am. The team plane leaves from Laguardia airport." He told him.

Once Imani finished all his interviews and talking to Ryan about the good news we made our way back home so he could pack up for his big day tomorrow.

As we made our way home everyone was on their phones looking at social media. We were all seeing people questioning Imani's draft. Saying it was rigged because of my relationship with Aubrey. They believe we bribed the owners of the team to pick Imani.

"This is bullshit! I worked my ass off and now people are questioning it! Come on, I just wanted to celebrate this is supposed to be the biggest night of my life!" Imani yelled in frustration.

"I know baby, but everyone knows you can play and you're one of the best at what you do. They will see and they'll have no choice but to eat their words."

We made it back home and Imani went straight to his room to pack and get ready for his flight in the morning. Aubrey and I went to my room and I hopped in the shower while Aubrey handled some on the phone on my bed.

I started the shower, and was about to get in when I remembered I left my shower speaker in the guest bathroom. I was about to exit the bathroom when I heard Aubrey talking on the phone in my room.

"It's fine, anybody that could say anything already singed an NDA." Then he paused.

"Yeah we're good, Imani doesn't suspect a thing. He knows he worked hard to be where he is, it's just nothing is guaranteed so I just gave it a little push." He added.

"Alright I'll talk to you tomorrow, just don't make any comments to blogs or new sites and the stupid buzz should go away." Then he hung up.

Immediately tears filled my eyes. I can't believe what I just heard.

I sniffled and Aubrey heard me. He looked up and saw me standing in the doorway looking at him with disgust.

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