"No, I'm pretty sure I've got fatter" I argued, watching some year seven boy being chased across the road by his friend.

"You haven't" Nathan muttered, shaking his head, "though your boobs have gotten bigger"

I glared at him to see a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. However, it was true; I'd actually gone up a cup size since I was sixteen.

"I'm not complaining" he added, "I was just stating fact"

"Well, there you go" I shot back, "my boobs won't fit in that maids outfit, will they?"

"Oh, even better" he grinned cheekily, making me scowl at him and pull my hand out of his as I leaned forward and rested my forehead on the steering wheel. Nathan just chuckled to himself.

I ignored him and exhaled loudly, wondering how long my brother would take. Surely he couldn't be that much longer. It's not like school is his favourite place in the world and he can't get enough of it; he always moans about how he can't wait to leave.

By now, the amount of kids on the road had drastically decreased and there were literally only a few walking down the road now. Sam had to emerge sometime soon.

"God, he's taking his time" I moaned, moving my head so I could rest my chin on the steering wheel instead. As I did, I noticed a lad walking out of the gates, who I instantly recognised as my brother. I sighed in relief, before I saw a very familiar blonde girl walking alongside him.

Jessica Sykes.

Ooh, I thought, interesting.

Sam and Jess had only been officially in a relationship for a few weeks but Sam is like, totally whipped because he's been in love with her since year seven. He changed his profile picture on twitter to a really cute one of the two of them together and he likes all of her pictures on Instagram. In addition, his own Instagram is now filled with pictures of the two of them together. If they weren't in a relationship, he'd basically be a stalker.

But it's cute though.

I watched them as they walked together down the road and smiled at how cute they looked. Sam was at least a head taller than her and they were holding hands as they walked.

As they got closer, I could see that they were talking about something so I don't think they noticed my car. My brother said something, making Jess laugh and I almost aww'd at the sight of them. Then my brother stopped walking, making Jess stop too. He pulled his phone out and started looking on it, probably texting our mum to see where she was. I don't think my mum had told him I was picking him up so I should have probably rolled the window down and called out to him, but I was dying to see if they did anything else that was cute.

God, I make them sound like performing monkeys.

Anyway, my brother shoved his phone back in his pocket and then looked down at Jess, who was just staring across the road, daydreaming. I watched him say her name and she turned her head to look up at him. He asked her something else and she nodded, before Sam lifted his hand up to brush a piece of hair away from her face. She smiled. I leaned closer to the window to get a better look as Sam lowered his head closer to Jess's.

Oh my god, they're gonna kiss.

Sam's hand found hers and he smiled, their noses brushing and-


They both jumped and pulled away quickly at the sound of my car horn blaring. My head whipped to face Nathan and glared at him with the angriest look I could possibly muster up.

"What the fuck did you just do that for?!" I exclaimed loudly, pushing his hand away from my steering wheel, "they were having a moment!"

"I'm not being funny, but I do not want to watch my kid sister 'having a moment' with a boy, your brother or not"

"God, you absolute cockblock" I continued, "how would you like it if every time you tried to kiss me, someone pomped a fucking horn in your ear?"

"I don't care, I'm not gonna sit here and watch my sister getting off with someone in the middle of the street"

"You just don't like her having a boyfriend" I said, shaking my head.

"She should be focusing on school, not boys" he shrugged.

"Says the one who left school at sixteen to go sing with a group of boys" I argued, shaking my head, "I cannot believe you just did that, you're like an embarrassing dad"

"I accept that they're in a relationship, but for crying out loud, I do not want to watch them kissing!"

I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window to see Sam walking to the car with one hell of a moody expression on his face, Jess close behind him. I rolled the window down.

"Where's mum?" he asked flatly.

"Work" I replied as he opened the back door of the car. He grunted and climbed inside, making me roll my eyes again at his moodiness. It was only because he was embarrassed that they'd just been caught and he was trying to hide it by being stroppy. I turned to Jess.

"You want a lift, Jess?" I asked her.

"Are you sure?" she said politely.

"Yeah, course" I smiled as she climbed in after Sam. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Sam sulking.

"Sam, it's the first time I've seen you in weeks" I told him, "can you not act like a stroppy child?"

"I'm not in a strop"

I just gave him a look of doubt, whilst he stared back at me blankly. Twat. It wasn't my fault Nathan interrupted them; I'd have stopped him if I'd have known.

"Jesus, you two are bad as each other" I muttered, pulling my face as I switched the engine on.

"Mm" Nathan hummed, as though he was agreeing with me.

"No, not Jess" I shot at Nathan, "you, you dick"

"Why?! What have I done?!" Nathan exclaimed.

"You know exactly what you've done" I shot back as I put the car into gear and set off down the road, "fucking idiot"

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And check out the latest chapter of the Jay/Chloe story :)

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