★ Mystery Man ★

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Following the whistling sound, the young girl arrived in front of the Elizabeth Tower and found a bizarre man standing there.

He was dressed in an outdated fashion.

He was wearing a white shirt with a red bow and white striped black trousers and a hat on his head. There was a black coat on top of the shirt.

Reverie's eyes broadened with fear.

She was terrified, not because of his odd outfit but for his eyes looked anything but humane.

His orbs were neon red with slight black swirls. His pupils were like that of a serpent.

Those eyes were ogling right back at the girl's brown ones as if looking into her spirit.

There was a vicious smile playing on his ledges.

She stood there frozen incapable of moving from there.

"Hello there, Reverie Woods," the man said finally shattering the stillness.

Reverie was flabbergasted.

" How did you know my name? " her words came out merely above a murmur.

" Oh, I know everything about you " The man answered back in a devilish tone.

"Who are you? " Reverie inquires, gulping.

The man takes a golden and lustrous pocket watch with gold chains out of his pocket.

" I wish I could tell you but my identity is not what matters right now. What matters is you"

"Me?" Reverie could not figure out what could this man have to do with her.

"Let's get to the main point" the man continues. " Right now, it's 8 o'clock. You have until midnight. Within that period if you feel like you don't want your wish to be entirely bestowed, come to me and tell me to abolish your wish. However, you can only ask for it before the clock strikes twelve. If you're late then your wish will be fulfilled completely "  
The man said.

He gave Reverie a dramatic bow and with one flick of a wrist, he evaporated into thin air.

Reverie stands there shook from what she just saw.

Whoever that man was, he wasn't just an ordinary being that's for sure.

This is something she wanted, why would she not want her desire to come true?

Reverie was confused.

She went away from the building and came to a vacant park. She sat down on one of the swings.

She couldn't comprehend the things that were happening.

Who was that man? What connection did he have with her wish?

Reverie tries to find the answer gazing at the shiny stars in the sky.

They are so beautiful. The light pouring from the full moon gives her surroundings an unusual look.

The stars look like they're so close but they are far away. Just like the answer to her questions.


Reverie was hungry.

She didn't know what time it was but the empty roads indicated that it was late.

You have until midnight. That's what the man said.

What did he mean? What was going to occur after midnight? She didn't know.

Reverie trembles her head to shoo away the thoughts of that man.

She determines to focus on getting dinner for herself. She walks on the sidewalk until she finds an open store. She heads inside.

There isn't much food left inside, there are no shoppers.

She walks around and discovers ramen on one of the shelves. Ramen is one of her favourites. Reverie licks her lips hungrily.

She forwards her hand to snatch the package.

Her hand passes right through it!

Reverie looks at her hands they appear transparent.

Horrified, she tries to grab it again and again but no matter how many times she tries to hold it her hand passes through it.

" What is happening?! " She cries out and runs out of the shop.


What do you think is happening to Reverie?

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