Brace For Impact

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Chapter one: Brace For Impact

Sasha O'Reilly

Through the ashes of the IMCs rampage many are left to deal with the loss. To live with the guilt and thoughts of "why couldn't I have done more?" Some say it's the cruelest fate the IMC could deal to the helpless bystanders of the great war.

Amongst the ashes of her home, Sasha was the lone survivors. The oy reason for that had been her father's quickness to hide her away bellow the metal floor of their family home. But even there she could hear the fighting, the gunshots, and finally she heard her father's last words.

"You bastards won't survive this!" He had yelled before the gunshots started above. Then it was quite for a while, a long long while. To the child it felt like days, when in reality it was simply a matter of hours before she heard the voices from outside.

The voices were grew louder as whoever was above came closer to Sasha's hiding place, it took every ounce of strength the child had not to make a single sound. 

She stayed silenter than the dead until she heard a loud clank on thr floor above, despite her best efforts a small yelp was able to escape her lungs. Cursing that lapse in silence Sasha began to move as quickly as she could towards the hatch that lead back to the surface,  maybe if she could get past whoever was up there she could escape out to the nearby woods. All she had to do was make it past whoever was above her.

Slowly counting from ten she braced herself,  ready to throw the hidden basement hatch open and dart away. On the final count of one she moved, running up the couple of stairs and flinging the door open than stopping as she felt the cold metal against her fordead. She didn't have open her eyes to know that it was a gun of some type, she had grown up around enough of them to know. She kept her eyes closed as she waited for the bang and the end if her rather short lived life.

"Well well well, this is certainly not what I expected. IMC usually dose a better job of picking off stragglers," the voice was female although it had the odd sound that accompanied vocals whenever they're filtered through technology. Sasha felt the cold metal removed from her head and heard the movement of whoever was in front of her.

"Alright kid, I'm gonnaask you to keep your eyes closed till we get outside. None of us have any plans to hurt you." The voice assured the child as a strong hand was placed on her shoulder, gently yet strongly guiding her out into the sunlight.

"Alright,  open yer eyes kid. Yer safe," Sasha heard that same filtered voices as the hand lifted from her shoulder, Sasha however was understandably terrified beyond belief. Slowly opened her eyes to find someone with a strange helmet kneeling in front of her. The child took a cautious step backwards nearly tripping into the over her own feet only to be saved from falling another of the masked people

"Hey, watch your step kid. Don't want us to hurt yourself," the new one said with a chuckle, this one sounded like a man with the same filtered quality.

They both suddenly went quite, putting their hands up to their ears and listening, Sasha didn't dare make a peep as they listened to whatever it was.

"Apex Predators inbound, damnit! requesting reinforcements and titan support,  we have a civilian survivor, repeat, civilian survivor!" The female mask person growled into her coms with exasperated gesture towards the sky.

"Alright, get Jin ready for the big drop. We'll keep the preds occupied, harmony-two out. Set up the titan turrets and archer positions, you stick with me kid, this might get ugly."

Sasha had absolutely no idea what any of those words meant, but based on how they talked she suspected something bad was coming.  Along with the feeling of ultimate dread she saw a spark of hope,  if the mask people were distracted enough by whatever was going on then she'd have a chance to escape and find her father, then she'd be safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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