Hi Dr. Williams, can you squeeze me in tomorrow. It's urgent-stassie

Ok-Dr. Williams

"Thank you-stassie

I went back downstairs knowing I have to make the call soon to tell Stefan's family he's alive and I don't know if I should tell them.

I called Julia to see what I should do.

"Don't tell my parents" she yelled into the phone

"Do you want to break the news?" I questioned yelling back

"They will put the blame on you knowing them." She said

"Do I tell your brother?" I questioned

"Yes, he can help you but keep my sister out." She said

"Ok" I replied

"Good luck" she said

"Thanks" I replied. I called Louis next

"Hey, when are you coming to New York?" I asked

"Not for a while, why?" He questioned

"I'm gonna FaceTime you and you're gonna sit down and let me talk, okay" I said

"You're scaring me" he said

"Just do it" I replied

"Ok" he said. He switched to a FaceTime call and was sitting in his office

"Is anyone with you?" I asked

"No, now go" he replied

"Stefan is alive" I said

"What?" He said in disbelief

"I found him on a island with a new family and using matthews name. I did shoot him but he's okay. He says the reason why he left was to protect my family. I left him there and not wanting to know more" I said

"What island?" He asked

"Off the Bahamas, we found a lockbox and found the coordinates." I said

"How did all of this happen?" He asked

"I found in my statement I was getting money transferred to a offshore account. I found the account and the bank then headed to the bank then I found out it was under Matthews name but not his face. I found the key eventually and opened it to find money, passport, I.D and coordinates. I went to those coordinates and found Stefan with a brand new family" I said

He was left speechless

"I'm sorry" he said

"It's okay, I'm fine. Julia and Jenna knows and Matthew" I replied

"Ok, do you think he'll come back?" He asked

"I don't know, I hope not. Elijah accidentally heard about it but hopefully he'll keep it a secret" I said

"Ok, if Stefan comes back tell me asap." He said

"I will, I'll talk to you soon" I replied

"Ok, keep me updated" he said

"I will, bye" I said

"Bye" he replied

It was getting late and I should sleep. I haven't slept in a while.

"Mommy" Anthony said coming into my office

"Yes" I replied

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" He asked

"Of course" I replied. I took him upstairs and we went to bed, more like me trying to sleep.

The next morning I went to see Dr. Williams

"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked

"Stefan's alive" I replied

"What, are you sure this isn't one of your episodes?" She asked

Another thing I got since Stefan died is random episodes of panic attacks and two times I've seen Stefan usually because of the lack of sleep.

"It's not, I found him and he's alive" i said

"Ok, let's start from the beginning" she replied

And so I did, I explained what happened and now she's on the list who knows. At this point I don't care who knows because it's his fault and I want people to find him and beat the shit out of him for everything he's caused.

1 week later

There's been no updates on Stefan and this week is his death anniversary. My voice buzzed, looking down to see how it is?

We need to talk-unknown

What the fuck

I dismissed the text message not caring. I get these messages all the time. I continued working, knowing I've been behind on work.

1 week later

I was in the kitchen, making some lunch for the kids and I. The doorbell rang and I hear Ella yell

"I'll get it" Ella yelled. She's waiting for a package from her favorite artist.

"Dad?" She questioned

Oh fuck


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. What will happen next? Find out next time, see you later byeeee

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