Maine Again

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.One day we decided that we wanted to go back to Maine and more specifically were we meet. We made a road trip out of it and it only took around 6 hours. We got in around dinner time and went to my parents for dinner they were very excited to meet Finnly. We pulled into the driveway and knocked and my parents flung the door open and gave me a huge hug it had been awhile since I had been home. " Oh my goodness look at you, come on in." My mom said and we went in and took a seat in the living room "It is good to see you." my dad said " Yes it's good to see you guys too. This is Finnly my girlfriend." " Well it's such a pleasure to finally meet you." They both said giving her a hug. " It's a pleasure to meet you both as well I've heard lots about you." Finnly replied we sat and we talked and my parents and Finnly got to know each other and they seemed to like her and everyone got along which was great. We had a wonderful dinner and then Finnly and I had some things we wanted to do. We went to the beach where we first met and went to the top of the old lighthouse to watch the rest of the sunset and the water. 

Then I got ready to do what I wanted to the entire night. I took as quiet of a deep breath as I could and said " Hey, why don't we go and take a walk on the beach?" "Sounds nice." she replied with a smile. We went down and when we reached roughly the same spot where we met I stopped and took a breath to calm myself and I took Finnly's hands and stood in front of her and started my speech. I could tell by the look on her face she knew what was happening and smiled and looked like she was about to start crying. " I thought about where I wanted to start this and truly I didn't know where so I will just start. You absolutely turned my world upside down and changed it forever and I will be forever so grateful for that. I spent many nights at this beach going over my life never thinking this would end up being a spot that it would change and be so special to me. From that very first night I knew you were someone special you made me feel away I had never before and didn't think was possible. After that weekend I never imagined I would see you again but somehow we kept getting thrown into each other's paths because I believe we were meant to have more than a weekend being together. So that's why I'm standing here today asking if you will marry me because I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I don't want to ever be without you again. I love you so much and everyday I'm with you I know it's where I'm supposed to be. So Finnly will you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?" Finnly was crying by the end and my eyes were teary as well. She nodded her head vigorously up and down and said " Yes, of course I will marry you." I had taken the ring from my pocket and placed it on her finger and we kissed happily. " Oh my goddess I love you so much Rowan. I am so excited to spend the rest of our lives together." she said " Me too." 

We sat and we talked for a little while on the beach and then we went back to my apartment because obviously. It did not take long at all before we were both naked and devouring each other's bodies the first time we didn't even make it out of the front hall, then the kitchen, and then the bedroom eventually. We didn't stay long at my apartment because we had to go back to my parents that night and we were leaving in the morning. We got back to my parents and we shared the news to them and they were both very excited for us. I was lucky that they were so supportive and Finnly's and I's relationship started. I had to answer lots of questions because they did have some worries but after a while they understood. It was getting late and after we spent some time with my parents we went to bed. My parents had lived in the same house for much of my life and my room had remained the same since I was around 13. Finnly said she loved it and loved seeing what I was like when I was younger. I pulled out a few old photo albums and showed her some gems from my childhood. When we layed in my bed I thought how my younger self would not believe that I had a girl in my bed and that they were my fiance. I told Finnly that and she smiled. Finnly laid wrapped behind me and occasionally she would sing a little and it was my favorite thing. I loved her voice and I loved her so much. Before we fell asleep we shared one more kiss and I love you. In the morning we had coffee and breakfast and then hit the road so we could be back to the city before it was too late.

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