The Music Festival

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One night I was covering a music fest that was a pretty big deal and I saw on the list of performers that Finnly was going to be there. I figured it was a big thing and I would not even see it so it would be ok plus it had been a little over three years. The music festival was a lot of fun and I got a lot of good stuff. I watched Finnly's performance and it was amazing as to be expected. Then I went to an after party with some friends and we were hanging out at the bar drinking and hanging out. I went around talking and meeting people as I had to do afterwards I went back to the bar to take a break and my friends had dispersed throughout dancing and what not. Then someone sat next to me and asked to buy me a drink and I recognized that voice and it clicked in my head oh my god that's Finnly! and I turned my head to see quickly. My heart was racing " Hey" she said smiling " Oh my god Hi." I said shocked, choking a little bit on the sip of my drink. " Sorry..." I said embarrassed, " It's good to see you. How are you? How have you been?" " It's really nice to see you too. I'm really good. How about you?" she responded "That's great. I've been really busy." '' Yeah, I noticed you kind of took off your kind of a big shot now aren't you?" she said as she sat next to me " You could say that." I said laughing " It's really nice to see you." she said again " You know you already said that." I replied " I know it just is." she said " I saw that you used that drawing from when we met as your album cover that was nice." " I did, yeah. It was the best thing to be the cover since you were what it was about." " Haha yeah I know." I said laughing " Thanks for the letter too." " Oh no problem I mean I wrote it on the day that we went our separate ways but never sent it. I found when I was moving and decided too. You know I'm leaving out in New York now." I replied " I see. That's really nice." she said "See I knew we would see each other again honestly I wished it would have been sooner." I replied, reminiscent "Me too. How long are you here for?" she replied "Not too much longer I leave tomorrow night. What about you?" I asked " I am not exactly sure." she laughed " I see, I'm actually heading to L.A. tomorrow for work for a few days and then I head back to New York." I replied " I wouldn't suppose you would want to hangout sometime while you're in L.A?" she asked " I would love too actually." I said smiling, " Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?" I asked " No, not really." she responded " Ok cool, I gotta find my friends and we will probably get out of here and go hangout if you want to come with us." " Sounds like fun. I would love to meet them if they wouldn't mind me crashing." she said " Oh please, never, you're always welcome." " Ok." she said with another smile.

 " Alright come on." I said and we got up from the bar and I went to find my friends. I found them all and I introduced them to Finnly and everyone got along and then we went to my one friend's place that actually lived in town. We spent the rest of the night getting wasted, playing games, and just hanging out. A few of them fell asleep quickly and then it was just Finnly and I. We sat on the couch together and simply caught up on all the stuff we had missed in each other's lives. Although we had only known each other for three days three years ago we still had this bond like we had known eachother forever. Eventually after catching up Finnly fell asleep against me and all the happy feelings I had been having with her spun around my head and I drifted off to sleep as well. In the morning we both woke up at the same time when the sun shined directly at us and when I awoke Finnly was in my arms and a smile krept its way onto my face. She slowly sat up and yawned and ran her hands through her hair. "Hey... good morning." I said softly "Good morning." she replied " Wow my head is killing." she said following " Me too. I think Aubrey has some aspirin in the kitchen." " Nice." and we headed to the kitchen where most everyone already was sipping large cups of coffee as hung over as we were. " There's coffee in the pot and aspirin in the drawer under the microwave." Aubrey said sitting at the counter " Nice thanks." I went over and grabbed a mug for Finnly and myself and handed one to her and she filled it with coffee and I handed her the asprin. After a few sips standing against the counter " I think I should be going now." she said " Oh." I said turning to her " Makes sense. I can walk you out." I replied " Ok, thanks." she said and we went out front and waited for her car " Last night was a lot of fun." she said as we sat on the steps sipping our coffee " It really was. It was a nice surprise seeing you again also." I said " Yeah." she said quietly "I hope this doesn't mean I have to wait another three years to see you again and just for a day." I responded " It doesn't when you're in L.A we can hang out again." " Yeah I know but I mean after that. Could we at least be friends?" " Yes we can. I don't think I could go any longer without having some contact with you." she responded " Can I see your phone?" she asked, " Yeah sure." I said and I took it out of my pocket and handed it to her. She put her number in and said " Now don't be afraid to use it." " I won't." and I sent her a text so she would have my number as well. Her car then pulled up and I reached my hand out to grab her mug " I can take that for you." "Thanks." she replied " Alright bye I will call you when I am in L.A." I said as we hugged " Sounds perfect. I'll see you Rowan." she said as she left. 

I went back inside and sat down in the kitchen with my friends and they all gave me the same look and I looked around and said "What?" " What do you mean, what? That's Finnly Blake." Aubrey said shocked, " Yeah I know." confused " She's like a big deal." Bre said equally as shocked "and she just hung out with us last night. How do you know her? And you too also looked very cozy last night. What haven't you told us?" Aubrey asked confused and curiously " It's not a big deal but we met three years ago back home and we had a thing for a few days but then we had to go back to our lives and we didn't talk for three years until last night." I said pretty nonchalantly compared to everyone else's expressions and tones " How could you have never told us that?" Aubrey responded " I don't know, it was just a weekend thing, a random encounter." I shrugged " Oh my god. Rowan." Aubrey said " Three years ago she released that heartbreaking album... that would not have been about you.... Would it?" be said "Umm, oh, don't bring that up it was heartbreaking and yeah it was. Also the cover is something I drew for her and I sent it in later when I moved.'' '' What the heck? You guys were fully in love. Like really love. Like love at first sight movie type love." Aubrey said " Yeah 100%." Bre said " and you didn't tell us any of this?" " Sorry guys it was just weird because it was so crazy and painful and real and what not." "I can't believe this. Are you ok?" Aubrey said " I mean I am." I replied a little shaken because I had never really talked about it. "Oh alright. So how exactly did you guys meet." She asked me to stand against the counter and then I walked over and took a seat in the living room to tell them the story and then they both followed and sat on the couch. " Alright so back when I lived in Maine I would always hang out at the beach and one night she just came and sat down. Then we talked for a while and then we went to get something to eat. We really kind of instantly clicked. I mean we just talked the whole night and we went to this park and that was where I drew that picture and then we went to my place.'' '' Wow, wow, wow." They both said "This is like a movie. You're literally living the plot of like 5 romantic movies right now." Bre said "Honestly." Aubrey said the following " So after that she asked me to go with her to her concert in Portland and then we hangout in Portland then her show. Which I photographed which kind of got me into what I am doing now then we spent the night at her hotel room. In the morning we talked about everything and we both decided that if things and our lives were different we would be together but it wasn't so it was best to just let those few days be what they were.

 I mean I had really fallen in love with her in just that short bit of time which was pretty surprising to me and then when I was leaving she told me she loved me too and I then I told her and I left. I said we might see each other again but I really never expected to." " Oh my Rowan that is insane I cant believe that I mean that must have been heartbreaking." Aubrey said " I mean it was but I moved on. It was really nice and unexpected that I saw her again and she gave her a call when I'm in L.A. so I might see her again soon." '' That's crazy I can't believe you had those few days and then never saw each other again and I could totally tell there was something between you guys." Bre said " Me too I mean the way you guys looked at each other and were talking and I mean everything." Aubrey said " Well are you guys finally going to get together now I mean things have changed since you guys met right?" Aubrey asked " I don't think so we said we could be friends at least." I replied "Really? But you guys were in love." Bre said " Yeah," said Aubrey. " I know I mean there is definitely something between us. I mean the way I feel about her I have never felt before and it's so much more than just attraction. We will see what happens. I just don't want to lose her again because I think we are definitely supposed to be in each others lives." '' Oh Rowan.'' They both said and hugged me. We talked about it only for a little bit longer but then we cleaned up Aubrey's house after last night. Everyone else had left pretty early so it was just the three of us. Then I headed to work. I was part of the festival. I do professional portraits and photography but I had recently got into this music festival that does rotating shows around places and I joined as their photographer/ creative director of sorts. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it and I got to see and meet a lot of cool people. Then I went back to Aubrey's and said my goodbyes and grabbed my bags and went to the airport.

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