The Wedding Part One

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When I arrived back at my place in New York I got my mail and took it inside. I noticed one in particular that stood out to me; it was from Finnly. I sat my stuff down and went over to the couch and sat down and opened it. She started it by saying, Hi, Rowan. Last time you sent me a letter and I wanted to send you one this time. I also didn't like how we ended things and there's more I would like to say and the things I should have said. I won't share the whole letter but it was along the same lines as what I was thinking about how we both loved each other and obviously had a connection and that it wasn't meant to be if it was this hard.I was happy we got things cleared up afterwards and we were on good terms. I saw her a handful of times throughout the year at different functions and such. There went a stretch of time when we didn't see each other and then about two years after L.A. I saw in the media that she was engaged to some guy. I didn't think it was true as most of it is usually rumors but then something else arrived in my mail. It was a smaller envelope and I opened it and it was a wedding invitation for none other than Fiinnly Blake. I was of course a little thrown but I was happy that she found someone. I had dated a few people in the past years, one kind of serious relationship but none of it worked out. Then a small slip of paper slipped out of the envelope and she wrote me a note. She said she hoped I would come because I was still one of her closest friends and if it wouldn't be too weird for me and it wasn't for her she would be so happy if I would come. I figured I would mean we were friends and we hadn't been romantic together for years. I sent back my rsvp and planned to go to L.A for the wedding. 

If I am being totally honest there was a small part of me that wished I was the one she was marrying even though I never thought that was something I would feel. I think I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with her but that's besides the point to me then I was just going to be happy for her. When the time came rolling in I got on a plane and headed to L.A over the time Finnly and I did spend together I got to know some of her friends and they became friends of mine so that made me feel better that I was not going to be completely alone at her wedding. I got settled at the hotel and then I got ready in my room. I was texting with a friend and they were going to stop by my room and we would go to the rehearsal together. She knocked on my door and I opened it and she bragged in cheering and excited to see me and had the same reaction. It was very good to see her since it had been awhile. " Omg you look hot." Laura said " Thank you. I said blushing " You do as well." I said " I know." she said smugly and I laughed " You ready?" she asked "Yeah, I just need my shoes." I replied " Damn girl those are cute." she responded enthusiastically " I know." I said laughing " Alright let's go." and we left and headed to headed to the rehearsal " Are you going to be ok?" Laura asked as we were walking up "Yeah of course." I responded " Ok..." she responded not so sure and we walked in and there was quite a few people there but I did not see Finnly right away. I leaned over to Laura's ear to ask " So do you know much about Jack? You like him?" " Umm... I mean he's fine not really who I saw her ending up with. I think he really loves her which makes me happy but I mean we'll see." she responded " Oh" I said a little surprised I mean I had never met him before " To be completely honest I thought you two would finally figure your stuff out and end up together." She said in my ear as were taking our seats and then Finnly and Jake walked out and she was as breathtaking as ever. She didn't see me right away but after she took a seat she caught my eyes. She smiled and I smiled back and the rehearsal carried on afterwards a few people were staying for a get together party type thing and me and Laura stayed. I went around meeting the people I had never meet before and I even meet Finnly's parents as they were leaving and they were very nice and I had a nice conversation with them before they left. I went to go find Finnly but I couldn't find her and I asked around and nobody had seen her so I told Laura I was going outside to get some air for a minute. 

I headed out the back and I stood against the cool brick of the building and closed my eyes. It had been a long day and I was starting to question why I had even come. Then I heard a voice and then I remembered why I came; because of her. " You ok?" Finnly asked as she walked over "Yeah." I said "Why are you out here?" I asked "It's just a lot in there you know. I mean it's all happening so fast." She replied and stood against the wall next to me "I see." I said " I'm glad you came. I wasn't sure if you were going to." She replied " I wasn't sure I was going to." I responded honestly and she nodded "Have you met Jake yet?" she asked " No, not yet." I said, shaking my head " Oh alright." She said " So how did the two of you meet?" I asked " At a party, it was a charity fundraiser and he was a friend of a friend and they introduced us." she responded "That's nice. Are you happy?" I asked and she took a breathe and a pause "I think so, it feels like i'm doing the right thing." she replied " Finnly that's not a yes." I said and she didn't say anything " I just want you to be happy." I followed up " that's all I want." " Well I think I will be." she said " Ok." I said " So are you with anybody?" she asked " Not at the moment, I had a kind of serious thing a little bit ago." "Oh, alright." she said " How have you been?" she asked " I have been good although..." I said " Although? What." she asked " I miss you we were friends and we would just hang out and the past year you just disappeared and then you invited me to your wedding." I replied " I'm sorry, Just a lot was happening and I..." she said " You don't need to apologize. I'm here and I'm happy that you're finally getting everything you want. I wish you the best Finnly." and I went to go back inside and she whispered " I don't think I am." and I closed the door and turned back around "What?" I asked softly " I don't think I am getting what I want I don't know if I want this." she said starting to cry and I said "Finnly" softly as my heart started to hurt that she was sad and I knew this isn't what she wanted. " I shouldn't have invited you." she said upset " What do you mean?" I replied " Cause everytime I see you, you throw me off I was ok with marrying Jake I was happy with that and I see you and I question everything." " and why do you think that is?" I asked as we were both getting upset " I don't know!." she said "Yes you do!" and the door opened and Laura was standing there and she saw us in the street and she look surprised and she said " Sorry, your were out here awhile I was just checking on you, are you guys ok?" she said " yeah I will be in a minute." I said and Finnly just turned around pacing with her hands on her head and Laura went back inside Finnly turned around " Do you love Jake?" I asked calmer " I don't know." she said " Its yes or no?" I said " I love him enough." " Finnly you can't marry someone you don't truly love." "Last time we were together Finally I mean when we meet at the airport and you came over you remember what we talked about before you left." I nodded " Yeah I asked you to be with me and you said that we weren't meant to be together like that and you couldn't give me the things I wanted and you wanted me to be happy. So I found someone who would give me what I wanted and wanted to and then you're here and mess it all up." '' I remember I remember all of it. I was scared to loose you and if had known that I would loose you anyway then I would get over my stupid fears and be with you because all I have ever wanted is you because I would risk it all because everytime I see you and think I have finally put all my feelings for you away they always just burst back in. " I said " It's too late and it doesn't make a difference because we still want different things." " I know but I have had time to think of what I want and things have changed and if I'm being honest the first time we meet should have been the only time after that the chances of us seeing each other again shouldn't have been anything but then we did over and over again we kept getting pushed into each other's lives so I think it's time we listen to the universe and be together." " I know but I'm getting married tomorrow why are you telling me this now." " I don't know because you mess me up too I didn't plan to tell you this but you mess with me and seeing you again I can't lose you to someone who you don't really love and doesn't love you like I do." " I have to go Im getting married rowan I can't do this." and she just walked back inside and shortly I followed and went to find Laura to tell her I was going and then I saw Finnly leave with Jake I found Laura and she pulled me aside " What the hell was happening out there?" she said " I have no clue what just happened, she just messes with me." " Oh Rowan." she said as I whipped the tears from my eyes "I think there's just such a thing between us that neither of us really know what we're supposed to do because it's like we're not supposed to be together but also like we should. I never thought I would say this but it was honestly love at first sight and I know she feels the same but it's so messy." '' I know ahh come one we can go and you can tell me more ." " Ok, I said" and we left.

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