Happily Ever After? Pt. 2

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(Ally P.O.V)

I was excited to finally get married to Jay, I've been dreaming about this since our second anniversary. It's taking everything within my willpower to not cry in happiness, Mom had already done that once and Dad did that twice at the thought of me growing up. Becky was running around in her tiny flower girl dress she was wearing, her hair was up, and had some curls that sat on the side of her face which made her all the more adorable. Roxanne was wearing a dark purple dress which looked nice but I didn't want her wearing that dress, but she also had refused to wear the dress I asked her to wear. It was a Mother of the Bride style dress despite her being the Stepmother to the Groom but I wanted her to have that experience as she won't have that with Becky for at least twenty years. 

"Roxanne, go check on the boys will you?" Mom asked her and she muttered something in Spanish and walked away, I don't know what's got her panties in a twist. Sometimes I wonder why she hasn't moved back to L.A already. "Oh, look at you sweetheart. You're getting married." Mom aww'd and I smiled and chuckled, she couldn't believe that her first born was getting married and I don't blame her at all. Mom saw the time and we knew it was time for the wedding to begin. Dad knocked on the door and he started crying yet again, he gently hugged me so I wouldn't get my make up on his clothes. "Ready?" Dad asked me one more time, to make sure that this was what I wanted, I smiled at him and nodded. "Yes I am."

(Third P.O.V)

Lamonsoff then held out his arm for his oldest child and then the music became softer and ethereal, everyone stood up and looked towards the door where it was revealed to have Ally and Lamonsoff and Jay was about ready to burst into tears. He couldn't believe how gorgeous Ally looked in that moment, but to him she always looked gorgeous so it didn't change his opinion. When she met up with him in front of the priest, they held each other's hands and ignored what the priest was saying, just focused on one another. To everyone in the church, they could see how much those two love one another. 

"Do you, Jayden Melvin Feder, take Alice Lilian Lamonsoff, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked Jay and he smiled and blushed at being reminded that his middle name was Melvin, he always hated it but he didn't want to change it as his Mother named him that. "I do." Jay said and he chuckled a bit which made Ally chuckle as well. "Do you, Alice Lilian Lamonsoff, take Jayden Melvin Feder, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest then asked Ally who smiled and nodded. "I do." She said and started tearing up, they both knew what was next. "Then by the power vested in me, and the state of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest and before he could tell them that they could kiss, Ally beat the man and kissed Jay who was shocked but melted into the kiss. 

Everyone cheered and clapped as the newlyweds walked out of the church and everyone got into their respective cars and headed to Lenny's house for the reception. "I love you Mrs. Feder." Jay said and Ally smiled and kissed him gently. "And I love you Mr. Feder."

Seven Years Later

(Ally P.O.V)

Seven years passed since the wedding and I don't regret marrying Jay at all. After the honeymoon, I ended getting pregnant for real and had our only son Ian. We were happy to have Ian and loved our small family, we later then adopted a kitten to raise alongside Ian named Tuna. We ended up getting pregnant two more times and had our two daughters, Leora and Michelle. Life was hard at times, like when we went to Keithie's wedding and Donna interrupted the wedding to say that Keithie was cheating on his now wife with her, that ultimately failed and those two haven't talked since. Donna ended up having to go to rehab for her drinking and she's been clean for two years now and lives in New York with her new boyfriend. 

Greg and Nancy aren't together anymore, Nancy wanted to travel and Greg wasn't about that life anymore so they ended their relationship but they have a daughter together. Nancy and I talk all the time and she wishes that she stayed with Greg, but who know's if those two would get back together. Becky and Bean are still close and are like brother and sister still, she even helped Bean get his current girlfriend, Becky hasn't found anyone yet but she's young so I'm not worried at all. 

We actually sold the house we got near Lenny's and moved more towards the lake, it just felt better for us to be where the magic happened and it gives us more privacy in our everyday lives. I'm glad that things happened the way they did, and it all started by five kids never growing up.

Authors opinion: Hey y'all, it's the final chapter, I know it's been a time coming and I'm glad that it's done. I hope you all enjoyed the tale of Jay and Ally, and so until the next time bye

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