Welcome to 1978

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(Jay P.O.V)

After the reception, we all drove out to the Earnshaw lake house and I was excited to be by the water and just relax. Even if it is for one night sadly, I hate fashion week. I mean I understand the purpose of it but it's just stupid. We parked next to Rob's smart car and I shook my head with a smile on my face after looking at it, making my thoughts about him being a hippy short Elvis was coming more and more true. "It's nice you drove your piggy bank here." Dad told him and of course, Rob got offended and said his classic 'hey', and to that I and Dad mimicked and we high-fived each other. I looked around the property and I was in awe, this place looked amazing and so normal. 

But things got worse once we got to the bug zapper, man I haven't seen those in years. "Daddy, what is that machine doing?" Becky asked Dad and I stood beside Ally who smirked at what could happen. "It's getting rid of the moths, honey." Dad told her and she was so innocent about her questions. "Where's it taking them?" She asked and Higgins spoke up. "Hell." He said and Dad scolded him. "I'm sorry. Not hell, Mexico." He remarked and I snorted and Ally snickered as well. Dad tried to cover what happens to the moths but she quickly understands what it does and makes Dad unplug the machine. He grabs a dead moth and tosses it in the air. "He's still asleep." Dad told Becky. "It's dead, Dad." Greg told him and Roxanne pinched his arm while I hit him with my textbook on the head. Mama Ronzoni saw the porch swing and pushed Keithie to the ground and stepped on the moth and officially killing it. "Rest in peace moth." I said and Ally laughed at that which made me smile. 

Rob opened the doors and we all walked in. "Welcome back to 1978, everybody. The lake house." Rob told us and I was in love, I so wanted a place like this. One of them said that it hasn't changed since they were last there so that shows that this place was worth coming to. McKenzie was talking about the kitchen which I don't blame him for, it looks nice with all the wood around the place. I looked over and saw Roxanne was putting on a fake look and I sighed, she wasn't used to this kind of life, and neither were the kids. 

"Is this like an Outward Bound thing?" Greg asked Dad and I rolled my eyes. "I mean, it's like an episode of Lost." Keithie remarked and I groaned at their pompous asses. Ally was watching this and laughed. "They fit into the stereotypical spoiled rich kid type don't they." She teases and I saw the amusement in her eyes and I agreed. "Yep, given golden spoons made of 24karat gold at birth." I joked and we both high-fived each other for the jokes. I saw her sister slamming on the poor organ, her Mom sucked at putting her foot down when it came to things. "Alright so who's getting what room?" Dad asked everyone and then Rob and Gloria brought the attention of everyone over to them. "Actually, I made a map of who gets which room. I took the liberty of reserving the room with the waterbed for Gloria and myself." Rob told us and then Gloria was interested. "You're gonna do the backstroke tonight." Gloria said and I felt nauseous after hearing that. "I wanna go swimming with you guys tonight." Donna said to them and Ally looked like she was about to puke and I decided to rub her arms. 

"Oh, honey, we're not really going swimming. What I meant was-" "That's okay. She doesn't need to know what you mean. I don't even know what you mean." Sally interrupted Gloria and covering Donna's ears. "Oh, we know what she meant." I, Ally, and Higgins said in unison and pretend to puke in unison which made us laugh. "Anyway, let's get back to the room picking." Sally suggested and everyone agreed, we were shown smaller bedrooms which the parents took except for mine. "And here's the big daddy, the master bedroom." Rob showed us and it looked big around the size of my bedroom back home. 

Everyone was fighting for the bedroom, Lamonsoff even suggested that Dad and Roxanne would take it but in the end, the younger kids got the room. Rob mentioned that there was a small bedroom connected to the master where I and Ally could sleep in. I felt insulted when Greg asked why was the tv bigger, Ally laughed and I smiled and we both walked into the small room. There was a dresser, a very small closet, and a queen size bed which took most of the room. "Alrighty then, I'll take the floor and you get the bed." I told her and she looked at me and scoffed. "No way in hell am I letting you sleep on the floor. We'll both sleep in the bed, but have some pillows divide us." She said and I sighed but agreed, I knew better than to fight with a woman over something like this. "Fine, but just a heads up. I'm a cuddler, so if I ended up cuddling you in my sleep, sorry." I warned her and she laughed. "Oh, I was gonna say the same thing." She said and we both laugh. 

There was something about her that I liked, and as she left the room to go change into something less dreary I realized something. I had a crush on someone I just met, and I won't be able to get to know her more.

Authors opinion: Hello everyone and here is another chapter, in this one we finally get to the lake house. I also like how Jay somehow already has a crush on Ally when they only met that day. Things will heat up later in the next chapter so don't worry, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and until the next time bye

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