Workout Mayhem

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(Ally P.O.V)

I arrived at the yoga class, I wore a simple workout outfit and I saw Mom and Roxanne right behind me. Mom of course hugged me, considering that she hasn't seen me in a week, it was understandable. "How was the Caribbean, was it as nice as in the promotional videos?" Mom asked me and I chuckled. "Yes, it was. The whole place was amazing, it was a nice birthday this year." I explained and before she could ask more, Roxanne wondered out loud why Lenny wouldn't want another baby. I flinched slightly at the mention of baby, see around four months ago, me and Jay had a pregnancy scare. I was late on my period and we both were thinking that I could be pregnant. We took four tests and two were positive and two were negative which told us that we needed to see a doctor. The whole time, we were assuming the thought I was pregnant and the whole time we were both excited to possibly be parents despite only being in our early twenties. Sadly the doctor told us that I wasn't pregnant, and the stress from school was causing my period to be late, that was later confirmed the next day, rubbing salt into the wound. We were both sad and upset that I wasn't pregnant, but we both realized that we weren't ready for a baby just yet. 

We're okay now, but the pain of hearing that you weren't pregnant still hurts me. Roxanne then explained that she was pregnant with Lenny's fifth child, rubbing not just salt, but dirt into the wound. And here I thought I was going to tell them about my engagement, but once more Roxanne took the spotlight. She's been doing this since me and Jay got really serious, I guess she felt jealous of our relationship and now much love we had for one another compared to her and Lenny. Mom congratulated her and I smiled in return, I didn't want to say anything in case my voice broke. 

Deanne came in with Ronnie, he somehow popped a yoga ball with his teeth and I was shocked much like everyone else here. Then we had Higgins secret lover, Beefcake Kitty or Kitty as she prefers to be called, mentions about kids being at the class and while I get that they shouldn't be here, she probably doesn't have a sitter to watch him. Deanne and Roxanne insult Kitty by calling her a guy which is insulting. She actually knew about the false pregnancy when me and Jay first found out, she had some really good advice on how to deal with it and I'm thankful for that. The janitor came in and I knew what he was doing, so I just walked out and waited for the instructor to come into the building. When I saw him, he was good looking but I could clearly tell he was gay, why it was because he didn't check me out. Hell, married men did that when I was a teenager, so I can tell that he wasn't interested. "What're you doing out here?" He asked me and I pointed into the room. "The janitor decided to use your class to see some tits and ass." I explained and he had an 'ah' moment and stopped the instructor and Ronnie bit him right underneath his ass so I was proud of the boy. 

Every woman was checking him out, I mean I get it he looks cute, but I didn't feel the need to constantly oogle at the man. "Anyway, I'm Kyle. And before we get started, for real, do you have any questions?" He asked everyone, and Ms. Sadie asked if he was married and he told her that he wasn't. Mom wanted to ask him a question but she was mesmerized by his beauty that she stuttered and I felt conflicted about this. Finally Deanne, asked him a two part question which made him reveal his sexuality as gay. "I knew it!" I shouted and everyone looked at me and he laughed. "What, my gaydar is better than yours is." I remarked and with that, Kyle began the class and I forgot about the stress of life and the pain that has been surrounding my life the last few months. 

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is another chapter of our story. Yeah, I added the idea of Jay and Ally having a pregnancy scare after reading some other Grown Ups stories and I thought that with Roxanne technically being pregnant in the film, it would lead us with some conflict between Roxanne and Ally. Also please don't get too mad at me for doing that, I wanted to change it up from the norm that's all. Either way I hope you guys have a good day or evening and until the next time bye

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