Surprise From Mr. Deer

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(Jay P.O.V)

I kept my arms around the body next to me as I tried to fall back asleep. Ally and I just returned from our vacation to the Caribbean for her birthday last night and we were both off from college until August. To think it's been three years since the lake house and we're still together, just tells us that what we have is special. Suddenly I heard screams coming out of the room and both me and Ally shot right out of bed and I handed her the robe we have and walked out of the room and saw a deer running around. "What the hell is a deer doing in the house?" I asked them and then the deer broke the bathroom door and revealed Greg in the shower and pissed on him. Roxanne screamed as she saw Greg's dick and he screamed in return after covering himself, Becky seemed to be the only one who was happy about that. 

Dad and Keithie threw a laundry basket and the deer, and it shook off all the clothes except for Roxanne's sheer bra. We all walked downstairs slowly while Becky explained that she left the door opened for any animals who wanted to come in and one did. Dad shouted at Greg for a bat and Becky got scared, she was the sensitive one. We saw the deer eating out of Bowser's food bowl and I shook my head, Ally tightened the robe around her so nothing showed. She technically was wearing clothes but just her underwear and nothing else so if that robe got loose then everyone would see her breasts and those are not for anyone's eyes but mine. He was looking at something and then Dad did an experiment with Becky's stuffed monkey Mr. Gigglesworth which I named myself when I got her that when she was a baby. 

We all moved away while Dad was luring the deer outside, and he did and scared our mailman in the process. He threw the toy towards the lawn. "Problem solved." He said and then the deer began tearing him apart. "Mr. Gigglesworth! Daddy, he's killing him!" Becky cried out and I pulled her towards me so she could cry. "New problem begins." Dad announced and he apologized to her while I simply glared at him, Ally calmed my glare but it was still there. Our mailman then points towards the deer. "Is that your bra, Mrs. Feder?" He asked Roxanne and us kids except Becky were grossed out, so was Roxanne and even more when Dad high fived the man. 

We picked up the mail and all went back inside. Dad went to take a shower to get the deer piss off of him, Roxanne was acting a bit weird lately but I don't question it anymore. I decided to make everyone french toast for breakfast, I like it out here since it wasn't like our old lives in L.A. Dad came out as I putting the pieces of french toast on the giant serving tray we own, Roxanne came out with her outfit. Then the others did too and once Ally was down we all sat at the table and ate our breakfast. Once we were finished I went up to mine and Ally's room and got changed, then as I was getting my shoes on, I felt a pair of lips on my collar. "Honey, we have things to do today." I told her while trying to hide the fact that I was enjoying this. "Can't we just stay in bed?" She asked me and I looked at her and shook my head. "No, besides I thought you wanted to tell everyone that we're getting married?" I asked her and she smirked. 

Yep, I finally asked the question. I proposed while we were in the Caribbean and she surprisingly said yes, I mean we've been together for three years and I love her so it was bound to happen. "Fine, I'll see you at Becky's recital?" She asked me and I nodded and with one kiss goodbye, she went off and went to see her Mom and then work out.

Today's going to be one interesting, last day of school if I could say.

Authors opinion: Hey guys, I don't remember if there was a Authors opinion here originially or Wattpad glitched and it disappeared. Either way how are you guys doing? I'm writing this on October 24th of 2021, and so I just wanted to add something here so it feels concise since I do this for all of my stories and I don't want to change something that I do normally. Either way i hope you guys liked this chapter and until the next time bye

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