-Chapter twenty four-

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TW// very slight mention of self-harm      

 "Okay then, do you mind, laying down here with me?"


BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

Everything seems so calm and normal, as it all should be. I was sitting down with the person I love the most. I hope he knows that; I mean I have said it multiple times. But then again, so has he. Not sure if we both mean it in the same way.

"Skeppy can I ask you something?" well here goes nothing... "Sure Bad, go ahead." My stomach begins to twist and turn; I hate this so so much... "What is it Bad?"

Just SAY IT! Why is this so hard? I just want him to know how I feel, why am I like this?

"Bad, are you okay? You seem a bit... tense. Did I do something wrong?" I feel so bad. I always do this and end up worrying him. I shouldn't have asked him in the first place. "No, it's nothing sorry."

Did I ruin everything again? Why does everything hurt? I haven't moved one bit yet I feel the tiredness consume me...

"Hey Bad?" Skeppy asked, knocking my thoughts out of sight. "Can I ask you something?" why is this so nerve-racking? "Sure, go ahead" I finally responded, hopefully it didn't take me too long; I sometimes seem to lose track of time.

Skeppy looked at me dead in the eyes and asked, "Am I good company?" this isn't a hard question... "Of course S'geppy! You have always been great company, why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Instead of an answer, he put on a gloomy face.

"You have been acting a little moody lately, I just hope that it isn't my fault..." he answered which, kind of broke my heart. I thought we could move on and that my attitude would also change but I guess not. I am still the stupid me who is painfully injured both mentally and physically. Why can't I just move on?

"I am sorry; no you are fine I just have been feeling a bit down." I hate to admit this; but I feel as stressed out as ever. However, I can't have my friend knowing that. He has enough on his plate as it is. I should just keep it to myself...

Skeppy calls my name pulling me away from my train of thoughts again, probably for the better. "You know that you can always talk to me right? I said that since day one" Of course I know that. You don't realize how much I want to tell you. But I keep being quite instead.

"BAaaaad" he says stretches out the 'a'. "Whaaaaat" I reply with the exact same tone. "Talk to me! I don't want you to close up,, again." He does make a great point, but I can't bring myself to speak.

An awkward silence rose between us two. I want to tell you. "Skeppy, I feel awful" I spoke out of nowhere. Maybe I shouldn't have but it was the truth. "I feel so emotionally drained and I can't keep hiding it from you." I continued.

"Maybe you think I am annoying and a bad person for always being down even when I am with you" my breath was getting fainter and Skeppy noticed; signaling me to slow down. He placed a delicate kiss on my forehead and smiled.

Gosh, I love his smile. For as long as I can remember, that smile used to comfort me so much. Same with his laugh. It is so full of energy and passion, meanwhile mine is just; stupid and annoying. I sometimes find myself watching compilations of him smiling and laughing, just so that I can see him happy.

"Listen here HaloBoy, you ought to tell me when you're feeling down." He lightly booped my nose and his smile grew wider. "I care about you, if I didn't I wouldn't be here. So please open up about things like this"

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk about how I have been feeling. It sure is a lot better than how it was when he had just arrived.

I looked at him before closing my eyes. It would be much easier to talk to him without seeing the disappointed look on his face once I say how I feel. "I just feel like-like I shouldn't have stopped doing; what I was doing?"

My tone may have sounded questioning, because it was. "Thoughts like that one come and leave but I can't seem to let them go. They aren't that important but I suppose my mind thinks otherwise."

I waited for any kind of response but I received none. As I was about to open my eyes and apologize I felt something soft touching my lips. The feeling was greater than euphoria. I shot my eyes open and there he was, the man of the hour.

Skeppy had connected his lips to my. He pulled away and once again smiled. I was left speechless. I began to recollect my thoughts and what I should do; instead a large yawn came out which Skeppy obnoxiously laughed out making my feel embarrassed.

"Aww is someone tired from playing fetch? You seem more tired that Lucy!" he mocked in a friendly way. I want more of this. It might sound selfish but moments like this make me realize that things might not be as bad.

My hands reached out and pulled him closer. " 'm tired" I mumbled and once again closed my eyes. His arms were wrapped around me. "Okay goodnight old man" this muffinhead

"HEY!" I shot back at him. "I am even that much older than you! You jerk!" was I too harsh? Skeppy began crying like a siren. Not being able to understand whether he was faking it; I began to comfort him. "Just kidding! Wow for a man your age I would expect you to be more mature."

My jaw dropped and that made Skeppy die from laughter. "Forget you then! I am going back to sleep... And NO muffins for you!" like that wasn't a lie.

"NooOOo I am sorry Bad!" I only responded with a 'humph' sound. He chuckled a bit more before returning to his previous potion. "I love you Bad"

"I love you too Skeppy"

[Word Count:1.052]

[Author's Note]:

Hi ! It has been a while q_q sorry about that. Also apologies for the small chapter, I hope that I can write something bigger next time! Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed it ! :D Thank you so so so much for every comment , vote and read. They all mean the world to me <3 As always have a great night / day ! luv u !

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