-Chapter twelve-

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TW// mentions of self-harm

Only a matter of a few hours until...

I see him

Skeppy's Point Of View:

I wake up from the irritating buzzing of my phone's alarm clock. I check the time to make sure I wasn't late and, as expected it read 1 a.m. I force my body to get up letting a loud groan. Using my phone as a flashlight I make my way down the stairs and into the living room.

Rocco was sleeping and his quite snores were the only sound in the house. A big wide smile forms on my face. I know I am going to miss him but at least my sister will be around to look after him. Even if she isn't, I informed Lya about it allowing her to bring Rocco to the office if she couldn't always be at my house.

Food and water bowls both full I exit the living and head to the main door. My heart began to pick up pace which is another problem of mine I just had to ignore. All the stress and anxiety of the past two days have been bottled up inside of my head. I have managed to get this far, I can't mess up now.

I pick up my suitcase and lock the door behind me. The sky was dark but clear so the stars were visible. The constellations that I couldn't remember the names of looked so mesmerizing that, I took some time admiring them, almost forgetting what I was doing, before opening my phone and calling an uber. The call was short and after about four minutes a car appeared right outside my house.

The driver reached for my bag and put it in one of the seats in the back of his vehicle. I sit on the passengers eat and they sit on the driver's one. I deactivate my phone and the car starts. I looked out of my window and the yellow colours of the street lights lit up my face making me half close my eyes.

We reach out destination and the time is 1:45 a.m. I am two hours early which is very ideal. Last thing I want is missing my flight. I pay the driver, grab my stuff and leave the car. Going through the whole procedure of getting on an airplane; I am now sitting waiting for the announcement. My eyes cannot stay off my phone. The thought of not being able to communicate with him worries me. What ifs begin to flood my mind.

What if an emergency happens when I am not around? What if he hurts himself or maybe even do something irrational again? What if he thinks I am ignoring him?

Seeing as my brain wasn't going to stop I decided to text him and let him know I won't be able to read my phone or pick up calls for about three hours. I don't want to tell him that I am in the airport since I want to surprise him. I think that will be nice.

Time passes by without me realizing. I must have spaced out thinking about him. I seem to do that often lately...

Bad Boy <3

Hey hey hey, sorry I won't be able to talk with you for the next three hours. I know it's like 1 in the morning but I just wanted to let you know :]-

Better off with you | [SkepHalo]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang