-Chapter twenty two-

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TW// nothing !     

In a few seconds I was back again holding up the water, medicine and a blanket to lie down together.

"Thank you"

BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

I feel guilty for how I reacted, even if he said it was his fault. Readjusting my position in order to be a bit more up, so I don't choke on water, I swallow the medicine down. It tasted awful, but not as bad as I had expected.

Avoiding medicine for most of my life, made it hard to get used to them. Especially when I only took them on bad occasions. I mumbled a small thank you, and lied down again. Skeppy just stood there is silence not sure of what to do. He hesitated before saying anything.

"Do you want me to sit next to you?" he took a step forward. "I can leave if you want me to" I stopped him mid sentence "No, please don't." A small smile appeared on his face while he got behind me and wrapped me in his arms.

I took off my glasses, setting them on the bedside table. I turned my face to look at his eyes. They looked tired and sad. I don't recall seeing him cry, hopefully he isn't hiding his feelings. My hand moved on its own, and was now placed on his cheek. He also moved his hand to connect them.

I want to tell you. I want to let you know how much I love you. That you mean the world to me.

"Skeppy-" Snoring could be heard next to me. I missed my chance. "Good night." I let the tiredness to consume me. However I felt my eyes open. I was here again. In the cornflower field.

I had recently found out that they symbolize remembrance and love. No wonder it reminds me of my best friend.

Saying that hurts. I love him and I know it isn't in the same way. He may say that he loves me but it is platonically right? It has to be. Nothing good happens to me so why would he love me.

I hate how many times I have replayed clips of him say "I love you" or "Love you Bad". It gives me a feeling of comfort yet discuss.

"Hi Bad!" I whip my head and look at the direction the voice came from. "Hello Mr.Skeppy" he giggled in response. "How come so formal?" with a move of my shoulders he got his answer.

I can tell him my feelings here. It is a dream world so nothing that I say he will know. This isn't some kind of fan fiction on which he is magically also dreaming and having the same one as me.

"Geppy..." I started "Wow, first it is 'Mr.Skeppy' and now 'Geppy'? I am your friend Bad, no need to get all worked up. I am your friend after all!" of course.

"I know it's just, I love you. And before you say anything I don't mean it the way you think. I actually love you, and I have a while now" I started choking on thin air and my words so I decided to stay silent.

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