-Chapter One-

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TW// self-hate, self-harm, depression, panic attack, coughing(?): 

BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

I was sitting on my bed face first, as I bury my face in my pillow. I feel comfortable here. Not wanting to get up, I decide to stay here a little longer. It's not like I have anything better to do with my time.

A minute or two pass by. I hear a small sound coming from the other side of the bed. It was my small French poodle Lucy. "Hello lovely. You are probably hungry aren't you?" I said tilting my head a little. The small animal just wagged her tail happily. I looked at my bedside table. "7:34 am huh? I overslept again..." I said stretching before getting up.

As I start heading downstairs, I grab Lucy and pull her into a tight hug. It's times like this I feel lucky for being a dog owner. I gently put her down as I fill in her food and water ball. The little fur ball makes her way to her meal making small munching noises. I giggle petting her back and then proceed to make my way to the bathroom.

I open the door and look at myself in the mirror. My face fills with regret and disgust. My hair a mess, dark circles under my eyes and worst of all, my skin is as white as a sheet. I simply just try to brush it off and continue my daily routine.

I open the tap splashing my face, not caring if the water was cold or warm. I flinch at how cold the water was. I grab a towel and rub my face to dry it. I then brush my teeth and attempt to control my hair but it ended up looking even worse than before. I gave up and decided to go back to my room.

It was a mess, I couldn't bother taking care of the pile of clones and the unhealthy amount of energy drinks. I sigh in agony and sit down on my chair. I slowly reach down to boot my computer up. The white screen blinded me and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust on the brightness. I put on my glasses that I had st on the desk pushing them up to the bridge of my nose. 

Waiting for everything to load I decided to look at Twitter. Mt timeline was a mixture of bad comments and fanart. Too bad the only thing that caught my attention were the negative remarks from people.

I then open my personal messages. All of them are from Skeppy. "Oh no...I don't want him to worry or find out the truth...I mean he probably doesn't care right? He just wants my help with a YouTube video most likely...yeah that's it..." I think to myself out loud. I slowly tap on his icon and read his texts.

Skep <3



-Hey abd


-Are you there???

-Bad you are worrying mwe are 7yiou Okeya??

-Bad please answer me...


-You are probably sleeeeping arent you?

-Please tesdxt me as soon aas yiu are you ar e awake...

I let out a big sigh. "This muffinhead needs to fix his grammar" I say as I lean back on my chair.

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