For the First Time in a Long Time...

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Ria's Point of View

Wake up! Wake up at last! It was all just a nightmare. I was alone. I had the feeling that the whole world had let me down. I was close to tears. I was standing on the shore of a lake and a tear fell into it. When I looked inside, a picture appeared. One of my mother. I shook my head and threw a stone into the picture. Now I started hallucinating! Or maybe not? How should I get to Vapir? Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration, and I ran to the portal. I didn't really like the idea at all, but it was my only chance. "Hey. If you hear this, please come to the following coordinates. I need your help," I spoke through my radio. 

In the Palace 

"Very well done, Cece!" Caramba complained. "Without Ria, we don't have the slightest chance of even getting close to Skullivar!" "So what? She didn't have to exaggerate so much!" she said, crossing her arms. "Have you gone completely crazy? Her whole family is on the brink, she has to take over Zak's responsibility and is also grieving. The only thing she asked for is a little understanding," Caramba scolded her. Cece sighed. "You're right, Caramba. I don't know what went into me. We will follow her, and then I'll apologise to her." Caramba nodded contentedly and he and Crogar went ahead. 

When Cece went to follow them, Luna put her hand on her shoulder. "Please bring her back safely and take care of yourselves!" Cece nodded and caught up with Caramba and Crogar. 

Shortly before Vapir 

"So... ehhm... thank you. Thank you for bringing me here." Ria tried to express herself. "No problem. But why are you alone?" asked Flint. Yes, exactly... Flint. Ria had radioed him to take her to Vapir. "Cece and I had an argument." Flint didn't ask any further questions. "So, we are here and... be careful." Ria smiled and got out of his boat. "You have my thanks!" 

While Flint was on his way back, Ria looked up at the fortress. Just the thought of going up there again caused her pain. But she did it for Zak. "Now it's your turn, Skullivar." 

In Vajestrella

"Well, great, she's already gone. It could take forever to catch up with her!" "Which I really wonder how she got there..." Cece murmured. The Chaos was turned up to full power and they left the portal to Vajestrella behind. 

In Vapir 

Ria's Point of View 

I was about to go to the fortress when a voice plagued me in my head. "Ria! Please listen to me! You are too hasty. I want to explain everything to you!" I didn't know that voice. "Please, my daughter!" I was terrified. After so many years, I heard my mother's voice for the first time. She sounded so calm and soothing. 

"I want to help you!" 

"What do you want? Haven't you already done enough?" 

"It's different than it looks!" 

"But your diary says something else." 

"You have to give me a chance to explain everything and I want to ask you for forgiveness." 

"Get out of my head!" 

At first, I was sure that she lied, but in her voice, I heard despair, fear... Gradually, I doubted that she was lying but I didn't know... Why? 

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