Family Relationship on the Brink

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They took Maru to Marituga. "Thank you for your help," Maru said gratefully. "We're not a cause for that," Cece replied. Ria waved after him and after Maru was out of sight, she threw the diary on the floor. Frightened, everyone turned around to face her. "Ria?" asked Clovis cautiously. "What is it?!" she shouted. Clovis took a few steps back, trembling. Ria noticed that she was overreacting. "Clovis... I'm sorry, but... I... argh!" She trudged up the stairs, took Calabrass out of his holder and held one page in front of his nose. "Did you know about this?" "No, I swear I didn't know anything about her diary." Furious, she stabbed the sword into the wood of the Chaos and the ship began to hum. Cece, who was at the wheel, turned to her friend. "What's wrong with you?" 

R: "I thought I could find out exactly what happened to my family, but I just find out that my oh-so-beloved was a treacherous snake." 

Ce: "There is certainly an error." 

R: "No! Because according to these drawings, she had worked for the skeletons before she left the triangle. Besides, she's responsible for all the chaos here, she's the one who wanted me to stay here. She wanted to overthrow her sister from the throne." 

Ce: "Ria, she was your mother, don't you think you're exaggerating a little?" 

R: "I know what I'm reading! She went about it with Zak at the time, she knew that my father did not arrive against the storm. She had never loved me!" 

Ce: "What does that mean?" 

R: "Before I was born, my parents were actually expecting a boy. My father didn't care, but my mother... she accepted it at some point and I was the angel until Zak came. I don't want to deny that I was jealous, but I loved him anyway. My mother has been treating me like air ever since... Until she could leave the triangle and she knew I couldn't follow her. She raised Zak as if he were her only child... as if I had never existed." 

Ce: "Okay, that all sounds pretty crazy, but maybe it's also fake." 

R: "Well, if you don't believe me, then we'll have it examined by someone who knew my mother better than I did." 

Ce: "Luna?" 

R: "Yes, exactly!" 

Furious, Ria turned away from Cece and sat down at the edge. She was in tears. She had never suspected that her mother would be capable of such a thing... She had loved her even though they had difficulties, but that she could do something like this to her partner, their Dad... Ria did not want to forgive her. 

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