The Situation is Coming to a Head

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"What are we supposed to do now?" asked Caramba in a whisper. "Well, what? We drive back to Vajestrella and ask Luna about the diary," Cece replied just as a whisper while watching Ria. She had been sitting huddled on the floor for what felt like an eternity. Cece thought about talking to her again. 

C: "Do you want to talk?" 

R: "About what...?!" 

C: "About your mother... Tell me something about her." 

R: "There's no more to tell, I hardly remember her after she left me here!" 

C: "Okay, stop now."

R: "Why? You at least had a mother who loved you and didn't just fake it!" 

C: "Come on! We'll go to Luna and then there will certainly be a logical explanation why your mother had something to do with the skeletons." 

R: "No one had noticed what a traitor she was. Not even Dad. If Zak had known what she was up to, he would react the same way I did." 

C: "Ria-!" 

R: "Zak said she was dead. But why? She wasn't sick..." 

C: "We can ask Luna ourselves." 

Cece left and let Ria sit alone. The rest waited anxiously for an answer. "And? Did she say anything?" "She's still very upset. We should give her a little more time..." 


A few minutes later, the Chaos crossed the portal to Vajestrella. When the crew entered the palace, Luna was already approaching them. "My dear friends! It's nice to see you all again." She approached Ria. "How are you, my child? It's pretty hard for you right now, isn't it?" Ria nodded briefly. "If she knew..." 

"So how can I help you this time?" Cece handed Luna the diary. "Ria found it in a cabin." "This is Jeira's diary! But I thought it had been lost forever. You followed the map, didn't you?" Again, Ria gave a short nod. "There were very strange things in it, for example-" Cece didn't want to talk any further. Luna swallowed when she read this. "Oh God! What did she do?" "Can you confirm that this is her handwriting?" asked Ria. Luna nodded. 

For Ria, the matter was now clear. "But there must be an explanation for this! Maybe she was forced or something." Luna looked sadly at Cece. "I'm sorry, but the way I read this, she wanted to sit on the throne and had made a deal with Bones. It seemed to have gotten out of hand and Jeira couldn't do her part. That's why Skullivar had cursed her, but I have no idea what she died with. But I would never have thought that Jeira would go that far. She used to be such a loving person." 

Ria's suspicions were thus confirmed. Jeira Storm was a traitor, and Skullivar was once again in the middle of the intrigue. 


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