"The Choice is Yours!"

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Ria had heard gunshots and ran back to the others. Out of breath, she pushed open the big door. "Zak is in trouble!" "But he was with you the whole time!" cried Cece. "Yes, but then he left the palace after we had argued. I should have stopped him, it's all my fault." She took Calabrass in her hand. "Now is your chance to make up for everything." Calabrass nodded resolutely. They did not hesitate and ran out of the palace. 

Luna looked after them worriedly. "It's all going to end badly." 

Ria felt her lungs burn but she still stepped on the gas. She just hoped that they were not too late. 

They had just left Vajestrella when they discovered the Demoniac. The team hid behind a stone and followed the action. They watched a skeleton talk to their master, but unfortunately, they were too far away to hear the conversation. "How do we get to them without hurting Zak?" Ria thought half-loudly. "By supporting you," someone behind her replied. It was Luna and her faithful entourage, consisting of her two servants and guards. "Luna! But-?" "Zak belongs to the family, and Bones is an enemy of our kingdom. As the saying goes: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We'll get through this together." Luna and Ria hugged. "We're going to distract them and you're going to get Zak." Ria nodded as the Sirens overflowed to attack and surprise the skeletons. 

Bones had grabbed Zak by the shoulder and was about to drag him onto the Demoniac. When he heard the sounds of the fight, turned around and saw Luna, he put on a dark face. "Can't something ever go according to plan? The Sirens are almost as bad nerve saws as the would-be pirates." Bones left his army to continue to fight. 

Ria had just shaken off a few skeletons when she saw Bones in the corner of her eye. "Cece! Up there! Fast!" "Go there, I'll continue here!" Ria hesitated. "Are you sure?" "Yes, now go!" urged Cece. Ria entered the ship and cut off Bones's path. She pointed Calabrass at Bones. "It's over, Bone Face!" 

The Sirens defended their territory but soon they realised that they were totally outnumbered. "We can't stop them, your Highness!" cried Gia. "We have to persevere - we have to give Ria and the others more time." But they were surrounded by the skeletons. Cece wanted to rush to their aid, but she and the others were encircled by their enemies. 

Bones remained calm. "Give yourself up!" He pointed his hook at Zak's neck. Ria didn't move a muscle - who knows what Bones is capable of. "Give me a good reason why I should do this." Bones indicated down, and Ria desperately wanted to go after him. He held the hook dangerously close to Zak's neck. "Think carefully about what you're doing. Leave now and we'll spare your friends. Attack me, and your brother has seen the light of day for the last time. You have the choice, Eleriah Storm!" 

Ria's Point of View

I was frozen. To save my friends, I would have to let Bones escape and that would be Zak's end, sooner or later. If I attacked Bones, I would put my brother's life at risk, and I didn't want to take that risk. I let Calabrass sink and Bones grinned. 

"So predictable..." He called his troops back and they had to watch as the Demoniac disappeared in the veil of fog.  

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