The Mysterious Girl

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"Phew! Finally, he's gone... But why?" quipped Zak. Cece and Crogar were still trying to find an explanation. "Zak, something is not right here." Cece said. Zak took a closer look at the Temple. "There must be a reason why the voice called us here." "Wrong, she called you and apparently was wrong." A mysterious figure observed her from inside the Temple. 

In the Sea of Vapir

"I'm sorry, my master, but we didn't manage to catch the girl." Skullivar looked menacingly down at Bones. "Don't come back to me with one of your excuses. You will bring me this girl! She has been a thorn in my side for years. We have to prevent her from allying with Storm." Bones swallowed. "Don't be so pointless here! Find them and bring them to me!" Bones bowed and left Skullivar alone. "Be warned. You will be at my feet."  


"There must be some indications here. We're in the dark," Zak said desperately. "I could have told you that two hours ago," Cece said coldly, her arms crossed. The figure continued to observe her. 

View of Form

Good - he has followed my instructions. I was at least grateful that it had worked out at all. I could still believe it really is him. Or was I mistaken? But Bones hates him the way he hates me. So why shouldn't there be any reason to finally reveal myself? Still, I wasn't sure it was such a good idea. He's going to ask a lot of questions and I wasn't quite sure about that... Cece. Atlantean. Always sceptical. 


As the crew continued to look around, Cece suddenly heard something cracking and saw only brown fabric. "We are being watched." Cece pulled out her crossbow, and slowly walked towards the pillar. Behind this was the hooded figure, also with a gun. Zak pulled out Calabrass. "I'm Zak Storm! Come out of your hiding place and no one gets hurt." The figure was terrified - so he really was. 

Slowly, the hood came out from behind the pillar. Cece wanted to fire, and Zak also wanted to fire at her right away. But the hooded figure dropped her weapon and raised her arms. "I don't want to fight with you." Confused, Zak took a step forward, and wanted to attack until Calabrass intervened. "Wait! I know this voice, it's not our enemy!" 

The figure took off her hood and in front of them, stood a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes. Zak let Calabrass sink and was fascinated by her appearance. "Zak, is it really you?" He didn't know how to react. "How do you know my name?" "Don't you recognise me?" Zak shook his head. "I don't know what you want from me! I think you're a witch!" The girl grinned. "No, I'm not." Cece pulled out her weapon again. "Are you a spy for Bones?" The girl's face couldn't be more serious. "Never, I hate Bones as much as you do! He hates me too." "Tell us your name," Zak urged. "My name is Charlotte Eleriah... Storm." 

Zak Storm - The Chosen Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن