Chapter 2

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I was at the park with Emma. I was still wearing the same girl clothes as before. Suddenly, I needed to pee. I couldn't find a toilet for me to use. So, I just let it flow into my panties. I haven't wet myself in ages. It felt good. Emma looked at me and she asked if I was okay. I told her that I wet myself and that I liked it. She asked if I was wearing a nappy and I told her that I wasn't. She asked if I wanted to try a nappy if I wanted to wet myself more. I told her no. We were riding the bus around town. It was cold and rainy and the bus was warm. There were no bathrooms on the City busses. I had to go. I was sitting in the last row on the back of the bus. I stood up and tried to poop but I couldn't I was a little constipated so I squatted down and pushed really hard. I know my face was turning red I could feel it. Emma looks at me and asked what I was doing. While I'm was bearing down pushing I quietly said pooping. She just rolled his eyes and asked if I had a nappy on. I stopped pushing for a second and told her no. I didn't think I would need it. She just rolled his eyes and said she would clean me up when we got home. Honestly it felt amazing. I'm sure others on the bus knew what I was doing.

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