19 - Coming Home

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As the next day came, Ranboo walked over the bridge leading to Airbender Island, he couldn't believe how much the city had changed since he'd last been there, or it might be that they'd forgotten what it looked like. The Spirit Wilds had definitely grown bigger though. He pulled out the book and looked at the names he did remember, hoping he'd be able to recognize their faces. A young boy with pink and brown hair came running up to Ranboo. The little boy looked at him in wonder, probably staring at the faded burn scar covering half his face.

"Hi," He said, wearing a yellow paper crown with gems colored on. "King!"

"You sure look like one, oh is that for me," Ranboo bent down as the boy held out another crown, letting him put it on their head. "Thank you little king."

"You 'elcome," the boy said with a big grin, he looked around 3 or 4.

A familiar face came running towards them. "Sorry about him, he's... very..." Wilbur trailed off when he realized that the person standing in front of the boy was Ranboo.

"Surprise," Ranboo smiled nervously, now that he'd been recognized they didn't know what to say.

"Um, Micheal, why don't you run and go get Tubbo," Wilbur said.

"Okay Mr. Soo," the young boy ran off to get the mentioned airbender.

"Mr. Soot? Since when did you grow up?" Ranboo said. Wilbur had always been seen as a brother to him, and very immature.

"When did you get taller than me," Wilbur teased. Ranboo grinned, still the same old Wilbur.

Ranboo was going to answer when a loud call of 'DAAAAAD' rang through the air. Fundy came zooming towards Wilbur on a glider, then suddenly let go and started giggling when Wilbur had managed to catch him.

"Did you see that? Did you see what I can do? Papa taught me," Fundy said excitedly as Wilbur put him down. He muttered a swear about Phil then forced a smile, "Yes I did, my little champion."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a son." Ranboo said.

"Well a lot has changed in what 13 years it's been," Wilbur said. Phil came slowly gliding down to them on an old fashioned airglider, he had been keeping an eye on Fundy from above. "It's good to see again Ranboo, I'm sure Tubbo will be happy as well."

"Yes I'm excited to see everyone again," Ranboo nodded to Phil, then smiled to Wilbur. "Especially Kristen."

It wasn't until he had mentioned Kristen that Phil realized where he had heard their name before. "So you're the young firebender she was always talking about. I heard you were quite the firestarter, and that you and Tubbo were inseparable."

"Remind you of anyone else," Wilbur smirked, setting down Fundy.

"Yes," He chuckled, then held his hand out to Ranboo. "I'm Philza. Kristian's husband and Wilbur's dad."

"Philza? I believe I have something for you," He reached into his pack and pulled out a scroll embroidered with blue water tribe markings.

"What's this," Phil asked, taking the letter.

Ranboo smiled as he recalled his lessons with Techno. "Let's just say, it's a letter from an old friend. One who misses you and doesn't know how to say it himself."

"Ranboo!" Tubbo called as he came speeding over on an air scooter. He wore a huge grin as hugged the tall man. "You're actually here? Where have you been? It's been so long, boss man."

"Well I have quite an adventure to tell about." Ranboo smiled.

They began walking to the dining area talking about what they'd been doing the past years. Ranboo explained how he had started in the Fire Nation and completed his training, then traveled around the Earth Kingdoms for a few months, next visiting Meelo in the Northern Air Temple, finally staying in the Northern Water Tribe for the past 3 years.

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