18 - Highs and Lows

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Slight s/h TW

"What's this?" Clay took the cd as it was ejected from the music player.

"That's mine," 10 year old Tommy tried to take it back but Clay held it just out of reach. "Give it back!"

"Why do you have this," Clay demanded as Tommy just kept trying to take it back.

"Please give it back, Clay," Tommy begged, "It's the only thing I have left of my family."

"You're living in my house, anything here is mine," Clay said, his grip faltering for a second as Tommy jumped up, desperately trying to get it back. To his horror the disc shattered on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Clay, I'll clean it up, just let me have the other-" Tommy said, he immediately dropped to the ground and tried to scoop up the pieces of, to him, the priceless disc.

"Look what you've done," Clay knelt down beside him, "now give me the other one before this happens again."

"Okay, okay fine," Tommy pulled out two more from his bag and handed them over, seeing them broken would be worse than this. "Those are all I have, I swear."

"See, that wasn't too hard," Clay held the discs and walked back to the door of Tommy's room. "Thank you, Tommy."

As soon as Clay left Tommy reached into his bag and pulled out a fourth disc, he had to hide it. He felt along the floor boards, there was a trick to tell a loose one from the others. Tommy took the pocket knife of his and used it to pry the floorboard off. There was a small compartment he could safely hide things in, he carefully placed the disc in and replaced the floorboard, making sure it didn't look tampered with. Once done he moved to clean up the broken disc, wincing as he cut himself on the shards.

"Tommy," someone said and he looked around for the source, started to feel dizzy and the world around him faded. "Tommy are you alright?" It was Tubbo. Shooting up when he saw Tubbo, Tommy scrambled back.

"It's okay," Tubbo said, wrapping his arms around Tommy, hugging him tightly. Tommy struggled to get away, but soon he stopped and let out a sigh. When was the last time he had been hugged like this? His body shook as he started to sob, letting out all the feelings he'd been hiding. Tubbo rubbed his back, letting Tommy know that he was there for him, that someone cared for him.

"I'm sorry," Tommy muttered.

"Me too," Tubbo said, finally letting go. "I should have told you everything from the beginning, not just a half truth."

"Well everyone's got their secrets," Tommy said, looking down at his hands. "Especially me." Slowly, he pulled up one sleeve revealing small scar lines covering his arm in even rows.

"Holy Ravaa, did Clay do this?" Tubbo said, Tommy shook his head, more tears coming down his cheeks. "Why?"

"I thought I deserved it," Tommy whispered, he had never told anyone, yet felt like Tubbo deserved to know. This was the one secret he had, and finally telling someone he had grown to trust despite everything, felt reliving.

"Well you don't, okay?" Tubbo said, "And you need to stop starving yourself." Tommy's stomach let out a loud growl in agreement.

"Okay," he nodded.

Tubbo smiled and looked at the clothes lying on the bed next to them. "I found some of Wilbur's old clothes if you want to wear those. If not, Eret might have something more your style."

"Honestly I'm just happy to have clean clothes to wear," Tommy said, as he looked at Tubbo then the bedroom door.

"Oh, right," Tubbo said, standing up and leaving Tommy alone.

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