1 - New Beginnings

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"And another triple knockout from George and Sapnap secures their semifinals place in the tournament," Karl announced after Sapnap had forced their opponents back a zone with some well placed fire kicks George had sent a wave of water at their opponents, knocking them over the edge and into the water below.

"Great job you two," Clay met them in the gym, but glared at their earthbending teammate, "you not so much."

"Does it matter," he asked, "we won."

"They can't carry you in every match Alex," Clay said, "this was your last chance. You're off the team, I already have a replacement lined up."

"For the last time, my name is Quackity," He said, but was mainly mad that Clay had so quickly been able to replace him, he then slammed his green helmet with black stripes on the bench, "And fine, I didn't want to be on your team anyway."

"So, we have till next week to find a replacement," Sapnap said, setting down his own helmet and folding his arms, "who did you have in mind."

"Actually we have two weeks," George said, "they spaced out the last two matches so the finals will be on Spirit Day."

"Oh, I forgot that was in a month," Sapnap said, turning to Clay, "well then that gives us plenty of time to train them. Oh no, I know that look, you're not putting that kid on our team."

"Yes I am," Clay said, it was his team, he was the one who brought them together, he decided who was in, and who was out, "you need someone new, someone who will actually listen and not argue with everything you say." He turned to walk away before they could argue with him further.

"See you tomorrow then," Sapnap yelled at him, sounding a bit annoyed, as Clay waved to them while walking away. Outside he could see airbenders gliding around Republic City as the sun set, the city's spirit portal illuminating the sky even miles away from the Probending Gym.

"This is so pog," Tommy laughed as he glided through the air on one of the blue gliders.

"I know," Tubbo grinned, sending another gust of air under him, "in the air you're free, no one can tell you what to do, no one can say what you can't do."

"Well it sure feels that way," Tommy glanced up at the watch on his wrist to check the time, he'd have to get home soon, "but I think I've been stuck on the ground for too long. We have to do this again."

"Well I think I'm going to be busy with training and the Spirit Day parade for the next month, this was one of my free days," Tubbo said as they landed on Avatar Korra's statue, "but I think we can the day before."

Tommy lit up at the suggestion, he didn't get out much and just hanging out with Tubbo made him feel free, well as free as a bird could with clipped wings, "That's great, that's when I turn 17."

"Really? I didn't know," Tubbo said, he had already turned 17 a few months ago.

"Well for all I know it honestly couldn't be my birthday," Tommy said, looking out at the city as the lights slowly turned on, "I just chose the day cause it's easy to remember."

"Wait, you don't know your actual birthday," Tubbo asked, "wouldn't your brother know."

"He's not actually my brother, he just took me in," Tommy said, wanting to avoid the subject, "well I should go back home, one more glide?"

"Yeah, let's go," Tubbo sensed an uneasy feeling from Tommy anytime they brought up the subject of his brother, who he never got the name of. As they headed towards the house Tommy lived, suddenly the winds didn't feel as nice, as freeing.

"Get out of here, he'll kill me if he knows I was out," Tommy said as he jumped through the open window to the fancy two story house he lived in.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," Tubbo said, he sent an air current into the direction of air temple island, he jumped off the window sill and was carried away. Tommy shut the window and ran to the front as a Satomobile pulled up in the driveway. Tommy checked his hair to make sure it didn't look windblown and opened the door.

"Hi Clay," Tommy grinned, "you're home a little early."

"Yeah, well the match didn't go as well as I hoped," Clay ruffled his hair, "you didn't go out right?"

"Nonono, of course not," Tommy said, there was no evidence of it, "I stopped by Asa-Mrs. Sato's place like usual and nothing else, I've been here all day."

"Good, well I have great news," Clay said, "you get to come down to the probending gym tomorrow. You can finally be on the team like you've wanted."

"Re-really," he didn't think this would happen for another year, finally he got to do what he wanted, and it even would make Clay happy, "I promise I'll work hard and won't let you down." Despite his excitement Tommy couldn't help but wonder why Quackity would have been kicked off, or did he leave like Antfrost did months ago.

"I know you won't, which is why I've made some calls and asked some old friends of mine to train you, you'll be the best bender on the Dream Team in no time," Clay said, patting his back.

"And what about Mrs. Sato, can I still have tea with her," Tommy asked timidly, he felt like he already knew the answer, but he likes spending time with Asami, she's nice to him.

"Oh Tommy, you're in the big leagues now, you don't have time to have tea with her," Clay chuckled, wrapping his arm around Tommy and pulling him to his side.

"But," Tommy sighed knowing it was a waste of time, Clay was only happy when Tommy listened to him, "Okay, can I tell her about why though?"

"Fine, you can go in the morning," Clay said, if this was the way to get Tommy to cooperate so be it.

"Thank you!" Tommy hugged him before running off to clean up for dinner.

Clay came from a rich family and had moved out as soon as he turned 18, that's when he found Tommy living on the streets. He took in Tommy when he was only ten, gave him a place to stay and hot food to eat. Tommy had been on the streets for 5 years with no one but himself to worry about. So when Clay offered to take him in as long as he would listen to everything Clay said it was relief.

Now that he was nearly 17 it had dawned on Tommy that he couldn't do anything without Clay. He could earthbend but he wasn't much if he couldn't metalbend. He still hadn't gotten a job because Clay had the probending team, his business and his inheritance to pay for them. Tommy had lived with Clay for so long that he didn't realize that there was a life he should be living until Asami took him with her to visit air temple island. There he met Tubbo and everything changed.

Tubbo was a free spirit, an air nomad who could go where he wanted. His dad was a non-bender like Clay, but that didn't mean he stopped Tubbo from doing what made him happy. Tommy wanted to be like that, and despite being an earthbender tonight when he went gliding with Tubbo it was the best day of his life.

Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter! Welcome Sleepy Fantasy readers! If this book is how you found me and you like it I would recommend to go check out my other mcyt fic, Sleepy Fantasy. It has the Sleepy Bois family dynamic and I loved writing it. Thank you all for reading and please vote and comment.

Peace out benders and Minecrafters from around the world!

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