21. Halfway Down

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What you'd postponed while in Boston rears its ugly head


sry and thank u for the wait PROMISe the next one wont take so long :D


You drop your phone over the bed, seeing two new missed calls, but you settle on talking to Tommy face to face at work. When you finally decide on what to wear after staring at your closet, for the first time in your life for only 10 minutes, you change quickly out of your towel and robe, make your way to the hall and let out a sigh in relief.

Aaron is still here. You can't contain the gigantic smile spreading on your face, even as you see him try to make coffee inside your kitchen. Try is a pretty big word when he opens the drawers again and comes up without any coffee pods. It's not in frustration, not when his shoulders don't slouch, or he makes no noise of complaint. He's just a tall, brooding man inside your house, who you just know is frowning even with his back to you, from the lack of caffeine inside your house.

You can't help yourself. You make your way to him with quiet footsteps in your sock-clad feet, and hug him from behind. He took his jacket off in the car, right before you left Boston together, and he's only in a white button-down, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and no tie, and he feels right in that layer between Unit chief: Hotchner , and the Man who told you he loved you: Aaron.

You smush your face right against his shoulder blades and breathe in his scent: little noises escaping you in content and comfort.

Aaron clasps your hands, tugging you in closer, and you store this unlocked information for later. Aaron Hotchner may like being the little spoon?

"Ran out" you mumble against his back, refusing to let go of him.

"Mhm" the vibration on his chest rumbles through your front, "of?"


Another deep inhale and you'll likely bear the title of needy soon but Aaron's large hands move to your forearms, and rub up and down.

"And tea" you add, suddenly feeling sad over not being able to accommodate him properly. Or reply as you should have the night before. "Sorry"

He gently unwraps your arms and twists around to face you. There's an amused expression in his eyes, and he simply leans down to drop a kiss across your temple.

"It's okay, I will buy something on the way"

You frown at him, deflated. Not only did he drive you all the way back, but he also offered to give you a lift to work, before he left for D.C. Breakfast is the least before you got separated again.

Aaron smiles at the pout on your face. "There's trains and planes to and from New York and D.C"

"What was that?" you smile innocently, "Are you saying I can come visit you?"

He chuckles, wraps an arm around your waist to keep you close, "Yes, I'd love if it you stopped by"

Your heart swells with emotion – the same one reflected in his soft brown eyes, and the warm smile on his face. A brow of his goes up when you don't answer right away.

"Hmm," you muse, placing a finger underneath your chin, feigning thinking it over, "I don't know... I mean work can be so busy lately."

You try to jokingly pull away but he hooks his other arm around you.

"Really?" you nod as Aaron asks, and the next question is mouthed against your cheek, "really? Is it busy?"

"it's very very—" a breathy laugh as he hums and nips at the skin on your jaw, "difficult to..."

Rom-com Gone Wrong (Hotch x Reader)//  ✔Where stories live. Discover now