19. Looking Out for You

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Inside the bank robbery case and the building you try to help Hotch, not realizing he might do the same


yall thanks for the patience!
Having no laptop made me feel lame as i wrote this on my phone 😐 so pls take this case w a grain of salt AND this case is inspired by the show Goos Girls (but it never happened, otherwise there never would have been that many seasons lmao) also if u see grammar errors no you don't thnxxx ❤


You're really doing this. You're really acting as a hostage negotiator in a bank robbery, with Aaron Hotchner's life on the line.

Yet, standing here – you're nothing but afraid.

The eight-years older closes the door once you're in and your heart beats loud looking at the scene stretching before you. In your career at the NYPD, you've had only two bank robbery cases and both had ended with the involvement of the SWAT teams. The aftermath was always messy, and civilians frightened.

You peer up at the tall colonnades of the lobby – everything is spotless, and clean, preserved without a single disturbance, almost as if the bank is off hours and not midday. This robbery case, as the profilers already deduced, is more than different.

"This way" one of the robbers' orders, dressed in all black and with a knitted mask over her head.

She – because you now know they're all women – has on a voice-altering device that allows for her tone to come out muffled and manly, and a rifle strapped to her chest. Undoubtedly, it is how they've managed to disguise themselves so well. She leads you through the empty waiting area, and then opens a door that says Personnel Only.

" In here, and no talking to the others"

Before you can even ask, she pushes you not so gently inside, and blaring white blinds your eyelids, and then your sight adjusts. You're in the administrative part of the bank – an open plan office cast in sunshine due to the skylight ceiling. Derek had mentioned something about how the CIA was considering that as an entrance point if they are to hear gunshots.

"Wait here. I'll get the others", she says and disappears back the way she came from, shutting the door loudly behind.

The only existing chaos is in this room, with desk and tables pushed to the four walls of the room, and chairs discarded atop them. Files and documents, and whatever other object fallen from the recent disorder, are swept up in a corner.

You don't notice the people in the center right away – not when you're trying your hardest to keep your eyes set on everything around you.

But then you see the child who opened the door for you, sitting on the ground next to a woman who you assume is her mother, the bank tellers, and your heart jumps when your eyes meet with --

"______?" Aaron mouths, standing up at once, blinking at you in disbelief.

it's not that you'd forgotten what he looks like, or his voice – not when he'd been running through your mind since he left NYC. But it makes you pause, seeing him again. The entire bank building doesn't seem as enormous anymore. The situation you decided to jump into, doesn't seem as dangerous, when he stands before you – healthy and alive. The relief in your body renders you dizzy. Emotion swells big and engulfing within your chest. And God, he's just so--

"You're here", Aaron says tentatively, eyes scanning your figure, doing the same you did to him to make sure he is in one piece.

He's in a navy slacks, a white button-down and a black tie. He looks just as much as a bank teller as the other man beside him, but none of them have the same presence he has in the space, even at this moment while he pretends to be only a civilian.

Rom-com Gone Wrong (Hotch x Reader)//  ✔Where stories live. Discover now