16. You know me too well

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After Hotch drives you back home, you have a talk with him, and more...
title from the song by Nothing but Thieves


ok, the long-awaited chapter is here and hope it's worth it y'all bcs i do go thru a crisis (<3) after every spice scene, but it's almost 7k lmao SO i leave u to it :D

TW: Smut, smut :D and more! (dirty talk, multiple orgasms, oral (f receiving)) romcom girl exhibits sub behavior:/ and has a praise kink! (will update tags soon!)-- 

Do not interact if you're a minor or i swear to god  🔫 🔫


"Here" you offer one of the wine glasses to Hotch and he smiles, brows going up in question, "sorry, I, uh, didn't have whiskey, or anything else but... red wine."

Hotch takes the glass, his other hand still holding the suit jacket he took off as soon as he entered your place. In contrast to you, he's been calm, collected, and quiet. You've been squirming in the passenger seat of his car during the entire drive from the bar, and your skin prickles from his proximity. Instead of taking a shortcut and throwing yourself at him like you so desperately want to, you make a beeline to your kitchen and ask him if he wants a drink.

He follows you in, and the space shrinks considerably with him inside. He's either larger than life or you suddenly hadn't thought of the possibility of someone else in yours. You just take to filling two glasses with wine, and mumbling something about New York nightlife and whatnot.

Now, though, looking into his eyes, you forget why you'd decided to squash your first instincts.

"Cheap wine." you add for good measure.

You don't think Aaron Hotchner has ever been the type to have anything cheap, not if his whole demeanor is anything to go by.

His eyes pan to the space around you both: the floral backsplash, the rack overflowing with spices, the many potted plants on every surface of the kitchen, the bold kitchen furniture, and the purple dining table. There are books, papers and your plugged-in laptop spread over it and it's your preferred place to work, eat and read on. It has a perfect view to the living room where the TV is set up, and to your bedroom from where you can listen to the radio without the volume being too overbearing. The chair you always sit on is left at an angle, and you realize he's doing the math as well, understanding this is where you'd been when you wrote all those emails to him. Beginning with the very first one.

The word rolls off his tongue slowly when he says: "cute".

Your cheeks heat up and you race to explain. "It's better for my posture"

Aaron smiles.

"Mhmm, of course. Much better than the couch" he points with the glass in his hand towards the living room, then looks you up and down, "And what do you use that room for?"

The question is bad for your mind, pushing it further down the gutter. You could say something untrue, something that will make you look good, but somehow that defeats the purpose of this little game he's begun.


His lips quirk up at that, and your stomach fills up with warmth.

"If I'm too spent to make it to my bedroom after work, which happens more often than not"

Every single word sounds dangerous, like he's going to use them against you later.

Aaron tilts the glass to his lips and then speaks over it, keeping eye contact. "And your bedroom?"

Rom-com Gone Wrong (Hotch x Reader)//  ✔Where stories live. Discover now