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Mystery?? Idk man...
Non-Despair AU
I decided to make this one just for funsies
Because this is anything
But literal

One night, Hajime Hinata was sound asleep in his bed.

He loved his beloved sleeping, especially since he couldn't get any for these past few days [Huh, wonder why (wink wonk)]

Anyways, Hajime was sleeping in his comfortable bed....

When he heard a loud thump! from the room next door.

There was no need to guess what that was, if you're Hajime Hinata in that position, who was now wide awake.

The thing was, he lived right next door to Kazuichi's apartment in their apartment complex, and his roommate, Fuyuhiko, was always completely trashed during the night

He only needs just one shot and you're all wide awake for 2 nights

The question always going through Hajime's mind was, "Why does Fuyuhiko drink at midnight?"


The question remains unanswered...

Just the trouble that Hajime has to deal with every now and then. Always hearing weird noises and questioning whether Fuyuhiko makes them knowing Hajime lives right next door or not.

But that thump wasn't something heard too often..

So, like he always does, he quietly got out of bed to go make a noise complaint, not wanting to wake his girlfriend, Chiaki, who was sound asleep in their shared bed.

Hajime looked at her and sighed. How can she sleep so well at times like this?

However, Hajime didn't hate this behavior, and found it a little funny. Even though he lost about 6 hours of sleep a night on average, he still loved his neighbor Kaz, [but not in that way though 😉] and enjoyed Fuyuhiko's...drunkenness.

Either way, it was funny to him.

But this time...wasn't funny. Not at all.

He didn't bother getting dressed out of his pajamas, mostly because he was already tired. So he just left Chiaki in the room and marched up to Kazuichi's.

Kazuichi and Hajime were actually pretty close, almost as close as Chiaki and Hajime, and those 2 were dating. They've known each other for a long time, even longer than Chiaki and Hajime even met. They were besties, so of course Hajime would understand what was happening with Fuyuhiko.

Hajime quietly knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again, a little louder this time. Still no answer.

Hajime thought for a few if he should play it safe, meaning he would knock, or leave, or take a risk and just open the door, meaning he would be breaking and entering.

...He opened the door.

Immediately, he knew something was off.

First of all, the table was tipped over, with a small glass of wine spilling out and pouring all over the carpet. Then he noticed about 5 bags of opened cookies [the cookies you monsters] on the kitchen counter.

But the cherry on top?

Fuyuhiko was on the floor, face down, not moving.

Hajime slowly crept in the room, walking toward Fuyuhiko, slightly worried. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead!

Hajime checked Fuyuhiko's pulse and let out a sigh of relief a few seconds later, knowing he was still alive. He carefully picked Fuyuhiko up and carried him to the bed, then tucked him in. Hajime was about to leave when he noticed something else.

Where is Kaz at?

He decided that Kaz was in the bathroom, but just in case, he decided to wait in a chair next to the tipped over table that he was now picking up.

A few minutes later, Kazuichi still wasn't out of the bathroom. Hajime noticed that the door was closed, but the lights were off. He slowly opened the door and opened the lights, somewhat expecting to be stabbed in the stomach by Kazuichi,'s not even his own apartment, let alone his own bathroom!

But, when he flicked the lights on, no one was in there. Hajime checked the shower....nope, the shower and curtain was dry.

Now, Hajime started to get worried. He knows in the morning, Fuyuhiko would wake up and find out Kaz wasn't there, and would also get worried.

He checked the window, quietly but desperately looking for Kazuichi's new, gray car. Sure enough, Hajime found it and got more worried. Although he knew Kaz was in the building, which was a good sign, he still didn't have the slightest clue where in the building he was.

Or what if...?

What if he isn't in the building, but is in someone else's car?

All tied up...

Tape over his mouth...

Freaking out...

In the back of a truck.... can't be possible...can it?

No way...he couldn't have been...

Before, the thought of a kidnapper never crossed Hajime's mind, but now that Kazuichi's car was here, but Kazuichi himself wasn't, he started to have second thoughts.

Maybe...the kidnapper came before Hajime even woke up. Then Fuyuhiko could've heard and tried to fight the kidnapper...

Maybe that was the thump that woke up Hajime. Maybe the kidnapper could've knocked Fuyuhiko out...or if the kidnapper tried to knock him out using the table when Hajime found it tipped over.

It was sort of all coming together, and the more it did, the more it terrified Hajime, but let's be real here. He wasn't even 100% sure someone kidnapped Kazuichi! He would have heard the fight, would've woke up sooner, and stopped the kidnapper.

At this point, Hajime was having a quiet freak-out party to himself. He still didn't know where Kazuichi was, and still didn't know what caused that thump to wake him up, and still didn't know when Kaz was coming back.

Just then, Hajime heard something. He turned around to see the doorknob jiggling. Someone's trying to get in. Hajime was in full panic mode right now, but stayed so quiet as to keep Fuyuhiko sleeping. I mean, who wouldn't be panicked when you're in someone else's apartment, at 1 am, with a sleeping guy in there??

Just in the nick of time, he dove under the bed and looked at the doorknob. He heard a small click before seeing the door slowly open...

We'll never know what happened to Hajime, will we?
Now, before you go off saying that this was more of a Hinasouda chapter, I would have put this in a different book that isn't Kuzusouda.
So it's still Kuzusouda
Unfortunately, I don't have any motivation to finish this so it ends on a cliffhanger
Hope you enjoyed this 7th part!

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