A Despair-Tainted Day | Alternate Ending

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Angst. Pure angst. Like, real angst.
Despair AU
If you couldn't tell from the title, this is an alternate ending of "A Despair-Tainted Day", so it'll be 10x more... angsty and a whole lot more accurate since I realized that chapter was VERY inaccurate.
TW⚠️: spoilers for chapter 2-3, character death

Fuyuhiko was done. Absolutely done.

He didn't ask to be here, he didn't want to be accepted to this hellhole of a school, he didn't choose to be apart of this horrible killing game.

Guess beggars can't be choosers, can they?

Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't he defend Peko? Why did he have to be such a pain in the ass to both Hiyoko and Mahiru? Why was he like this?

There was no point in living when he had suffered enough, so he thought he should end it here. Right now, in this very room.

Currently standing on a chair, wearing some random hospital gown Mikan found, he thought back to everything that occurred the past few days.

Mahiru's murder, Peko's execution, Fuyuhiko cutting his own stomach. He was sick of it all. What was the point of living now that his bodyguard guard was dead and he was rendering useless in a hospital bed?

At first, he tried to talk himself out of it.

My life isn't that bad. You still have Hajime, Kazuichi...

But no matter what he did, he couldn't fight the urge.

The urge to kill himself.

So now here he was, standing on a chair, with a rope tied around his neck that was also attached to the ceiling fan. In his other hand, he gripped a bottle of pills in case the rope didn't suffocate him quick enough.

Jump already.

Just jump.

What are you waiting for, coward? Jump!

However, right as he jumped, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey, Kuzuryu, I got your meds, do you need anything else?"

Of course. Of course Kazuichi had to ruin his plans. You can't really blame him, though. He almost burst into tears when he saw his friend in a hospital bed for the first time.

"Hey, why's the door locked..?"

Oh, bite me.

He couldn't exactly hear well anymore now that the rope was around his neck and he was slowly but surely blacking out.

"Kuzuryu, are you okay in there???" He semi-heard Kazuichi say in a hurried voice.

The truth was, Kazuichi kinda knew about Fuyuhiko's suicidal thoughts, and no matter how much he tried to convince him that he still had something to live for, Fuyuhiko never believed him.

Holy shit.

This is my fault.

"Okay, man, I'm gonna break down the door, okay?" He said as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

Now, Fuyuhiko was on the verge of slipping into unconsciousness, but the huge burst of the door woke him up a little bit.

"Holy shit, dude! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Fuyuhiko could barely make out the curses Kazuichi had let out of his mouth.

Kazuichi quickly cut the rope and caught, Fuyuhiko, somehow managed to take the rope off his neck.

"Come on, Fuyuhiko, stay with me..." He laid Fuyuhiko down onto the bed gently.

"Ugh, what the fuck do I do..?!" He panicked. "Oh, yeah, CPR..."

He began to perform CPR on Fuyuhiko and did 30 chest compressions. Unfortunately, nothing would work.

"23...24...25...ugh, dammit! Nothing's work!"

Kazuichi soon felt the hot tears on his face come streaming down.

"No...no, you can't do this to me...you can't leave me here with these people..."

However, even the cries of loved ones can't bring someone back from the dead.

So he was gone. Fuyuhiko was dead.

"I better go tell the others..." He said, still wiping away the tears.

"I didn't even get to tell him I loved him..."

I know I've been really inactive for 3 months
And I'm apparently too lazy to update this but not lazy enough to publish 2 different stories
So I might discontinue this but I'm not sure yet
Obviously I'll still be on here and probably making separate stories but probably won't update this for much longer
So I apologize if you wanted to see more of these but I might be discontinuing
Hope you enjoyed!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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