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A/N: This Chapter is Dedicated to AwesomeCrazyGirl22 for being, for lack of a better term, awesome! Now, while reading, please don't knock my description of what they are wearing, I'm not that good at it. I hope you like the chapter anyways.


The rankings weren't paid much mind by anyone, we knew who can do what. Today is the interviews. Somehow the death eaters figured out how to work a television network. We all stand waiting, dressed up like dolls. Then we hear the host.

"Good evening and welcome to the first interviews for the first games! I'm your host Selene Mooncharm. Tonight we will meet are eighteen brave competitors!" She said. I looked at a screen set up for us and see a woman with short brunet hair, piercing blue eye and tan skin in a black shirt with sleeves that got wider from the elbow to the wrist, where it seemed to be about two feet from her wrist, it looked to be made of of a thick and heavy fabric, to go with it she wore black boot cut jeans and black boots. "We start with the youngest and work our way up, so first up is Barbara Crane." Slowly Barbara leaves us and soon appears on screen. Barbara's red hair was curled into ringlets but was still long enough that it went past her shoulders. She wore a white dress that complimented her beautifully.

"Miss Crane, how old are you?"

"I am 11." Barbara sounded sad.

"What are your hobbies?"

"I read, write, and play chess."

"Do you have any nicknames?"

"As a joke, my friends call me 'Barbie'."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Three. All younger, two are brothers, one is a sister."

Mooncharm smiled, "Do you love someone?"

"Do my parents and siblings count," laughter comes from the crowd. "Seriously, though, I'm too young to love anyone but my family."

"Thank you, Miss Crane." Barbara walked back to us and sat down. "Now, we get to talk to Luna Lovegood." Luna walked her dreamy way up to Mooncharm. Luna was in a bright yellow dress and wearing her radish earrings.

"Miss Lovegood, how old are you?"

"11," Luna said in a faraway voice.

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Hmmm.... Do you see all the auras? Such pretty colors....."

"Do you have any hobbies, Miss Lovegood?"

Luna stared off dreamily. By the time the interview was over, all anyone knew was her age.

"Our next interview is Ernie McMillian," Mooncharm said, tiredly. Ernie came out in a dark brown suit.

"Mister McMillian-"

"I'm 12. My hobbies are chess, reading, and herbology. I have no nicknames. My little sister is five-years-old and I have the same sentiment as Miss Crane on love." Ernie said bluntly. He walked off.

"Okay then," Mooncharm smiled. "Next we are going to meet Ronald Weasley." Ron walked up to her in an ugly brown suit.

"Mister Weasley, how old are you?"


"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Chess and quidditch."

"Do you have any nicknames?"

"Only Ron."

"Do you have any siblings?"

The Hogwarts GamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora