The Drawing

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Elinia and Chrystal stood side by side in the large group of people who all were hoping not to be one of the eighteen drawn for this barbaric competition. The Weasleys Stood together with Aribella, Hermione, and Lee.

They started with 'age group' 11-13 Hufflepuff, Ernie McMillian and Barbara Crane. Next 11-13 Ravenclaw, Leonard Mikes and Luna Lovegood. Then 11-13 Gryffindor, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Next was 'age group' 14-15, Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory and Leanne Church, Ravenclaw, Apollo Terreur and Cho Chang, and Gryffindor, Lee Jordan and Aribella Snape. Finally, 'age group' 16-17, Hufflepuff, Tyler Prince and Lynne Street, Ravenclaw, Trevor Mills and Chrystal Brooks, and Gryffindor, Perseus Weasley and Elinia Brooks.

They all walked up to the stage and stood next to their age-and-house counterpart, the girls were silently crying, the boys stood stoically. They bowed to their friends and family they may not see again and were lead out of the building to a train. Once on the train, Elinia and Chrystal hugged each other, promising to save the other. Aribella started crying out loud while Lee tried to promise that she would see Fred and George again. Hermione and Ron sat next to each other, not knowing what to do. Percy was reading.

Luna was in her own world. Leonard was practicing his spell work. Cho and Apollo were whispering quietly with Trevor. Barbara was crying while being comforted by Ernie who was in shock, so he wasn't a big help. Leanne was hugging her cousin Lynne. Cedric and Tyler were trying to figure out the odds of each person surviving.

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