Chapter 3: One Big Concert Just to Build Hope [DAILY LIFE]

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Pico wakes up again. Still distraught. His best friend lost his girlfriend, after all. Pico checks his alarm, it's 6:12 AM. The morning announcements should play soon enough. Pico gets out of bed and quickly changes. He waits outside the cafetorium and waits for the morning announcement to play. As soon as it opens, Pico immediately rushes in to the kitchen and finds the pancakes in the Mono-Cookbook and gets to work. When everybody starts eating on the cafetorium the announcements play. "EVERYBODY, WE ALL KNOW THE MOTIVE IS AFTER BREAKFAST, BUT, I ACCIDENTALLY FORGOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT SO I WILL EXPLAIN THIS DURING THE MOTIVE ANNOUNCEMENT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.", Monokuma says on the announcements. "Why does Monokuma keep forgetting things?", Keith says. "Shut up short stuff. Your girlfriend murdered my best friend, you have no right to speak about this situation.", Cyclops says immediately after Keith finishes. "Oh I almost forgot! Me, Sunday, and Carol, are all gonna hold a concert in two days! Specifically at 4:20PM! Be there or be square!", Miku announces while she stands on a table. "Uhm, I thought it was going to be next week?", Carol responds. Sunday already dozed off on the table. "Wake up.", Whitty says as he slaps Sunday. "Huh? Oh right the concert in two days, uh, we're doing that to cheer people up right?", Sunday asks. "Why does everybody just keep bombarding me with questions? No answers until the day of the concert.", Miku says. "I have several questions but guess they won't be answered.", Darnell replies while shrugging. Pico sighs as he finishes his pancakes and walks to gym while everybody is debating over what's gonna happen at the concert. "I call that there's gonna be a double murder.", Hanzou says. "What do you mean by that? And why are you calling people's deaths?", Pico responds. "Geez it was a joke. But we both know somebody is gonna die.", Hanzou says. Pico nods then continues to wait for everyone else at the gym. It felt like either the clock got slowed and Pico felt everything in normal speed, or everybody was taking forever. A few people walked in every few minutes, but they couldn't start the motive until everybody was in the room. Once Sunday finally arrives, Monokuma pops infront of everybody and says, "THE NEW MOTIVE IS A WISH!" Hanzou facepalms and shouts, "COME ON! THIS HAS BEEN DONE HUNDREDS OF TIMES! GET CREATIVE!" Monokuma didn't even seem to bother caring because he just continued speaking. "Also I don't know how I keep forgetting vital things but you guys get 2 new floors! You get 1 floor every time a class trial is won!", Monokuma cheers. "Wow. MORE MOTIVES! Thank you soooooo much.", Cyclops responds while he crosses his arms. "You're welcome!", Monokuma exclaims. Cyclops facepalms. "Well the two new floors are open go check em out.", Monokuma said. So everybody rushed out of the gym and climbed the stairway, when they got the the first new floor, it looked as cool as a sick killing school could get. Everybody split off, leaving Pico and Hanzou behind. "So. Who do you think will do a double murder?", Hanzou asked while trying to break the ice. Pico walked away. "I'm not having this conversation. I'm just gonna check out the new floors.", Pico replied. Hanzou shrugged and then went upstairs. While looking for Darnell and Keith, Pico bumped into a snack shack. "How the-", Pico said. "Hey I found this and it's full of fantas! Wanna give Keith one?", Senpai asked cutting Pico off. Pico facepalms and asks, "I don't know where Keith is. So how am I gonna give Keith a fanta?", Pico asked while Senpai shrugged. Pico sighs then walks away. After seeing that the floors are themed after the weirdest shit ever, Pico notices the stairway to the 4th floor is boarded up. "Hm. Guess I never noticed. That's a better random tidbit of stuff about this game then we have to murder to escape this situation.", Pico thought to himself. He takes a soda from Senpai and goes to his dorm and starts drinking it, but what else could help with a soda that's legal? After he's done, Pico decides to lay down on his bed. "I'm surprised nobody swore yet.", Pico thought. "BOO!", Cassandra said. Pico slapped her. "Shut the fuck up you didn't scare me.", Pico said not impressed. Cassandra got all mad and walked out. After dinner, (I got lazy k?) everybody got to their dorms.



Pico, wakes up, ready to get the day over with. The only good thing about this situation is Pico can sleep uninterrupted, for the most part. When he gets up, Pico gets ready for his routine, which you've probably seen a million times by now. "KEITH SHUT UP.", Cyclops yelled at Keith. "SHUT UP CYCLOPS JUST LET ME TALK!!! PLEASE!!!! I JUST WANT TO TALK WITHOUT BEING INTERRUPTED!!!! I WANT TO HELP PEOPLE!!! STOP PLEASE!!!!", Keith shouts back. Cyclops looks at Keith in shock. Pico walks in the kitchen, just ignoring fights because they're pointless, in the long run, anyways. He does this all while making bagels (with the cream cheese of course), the bagels taste alright in Pico's opinion, definitely could've been better. When everybody's done Pico just sits at the cafetorium. "One day until the big concert. One day until a double murder.", Hanzou says, seemingly trying to sound sad. "Leave me alone Hanzou.", Pico says leaving the area, he'll probably do that every time Hanzou shows up. He's definitely different than the last time he saw him. "Hey Pico, forgot to ask this earlier but do you think that we can go on social media?", Darnell asks. Pico shrugged. "Why did you walk away from Hanzou there anyway? Is he being weird?", Darnell also asked Pico. "Yeah basically. You think the concert is gonna be any good?", Pico responded. Darnell smiled, "Yeah I do!", Darnell responds, "How about you?" Pico just shrugged and just walked away. Whitty was just walking around the 2nd floor when Whitty notices Pico tryna get a soda. "Uh one orange soda please", Pico says, as he notices Whitty staring at him. "Sure thing Pico.", Senpai says excited to make a soda that isn't made from a soda making machine. Pico nods and waits near the snack shack. "Hey man sorry for punching you at the last trial.", Whitty apologized. "I bet $20 bucks Carol made you say that, but it's okay.", Pico says. Whitty sighs and hands Pico 10 Orange Fantas. "Thanks man!", Pico responded. Whitty runs off and Pico facepalms. "Yeah I guess I was right.", Pico thought, "Wait where do I put these? I mean it's not like we have a fucking mini-fridge, in this mess of a 'school', what did Whitty want me to do with these?" Pico just shrugged it off and tried to find a fridge to put his new sodas in because there's no way he's drinking all of those in a few seconds. I mean there is... But he isn't gonna do that because he's not an idiot. When Pico FINALLY finds a fridge big enough for all of the sodas he put it in his dorm and plugged it in. After all of that mess Pico decides to hang out with Darnell. "Hey man who you doing?" ,Darnell said as he greeted his best friend. "I'm doing fine I guess.", Pico responded, "Whitty just gave me 10 fantas as a fake ass apology that Carol probably made him do." Darnell started laughing a little, while Pico was not impressed . "I'm sorry but 10 sodas??? He really gave you 10 sodas????", Darnell asked. "Yeah he did.", Pico responded, "Darnell you heard crazier things than somebody giving another person 10 sodas. You've done crazier shit than give somebody 10 fucking sodas. You reacted like you lived a normal life." Darnell shrugged and said, "I just haven't seen anything like it! Don't get mad at me!" Pico facepalmed. "Fine man I wasn't even mad to begin with.", Pico said. "Oh fuck.", Darnell says while looking at his clock, "It's almost night. Let's get going." Pico nods "Yeah sure ok", Pico responds. Once they both get to the cafeteria and realize nobody there Darnell suddenly says, "I wonder if all the motives were fake..." Pico sighed. "Dude the last thing I want to talk about is the fucking motives.", Pico said. "Okay-", Darnell responds. Pico heads towards the kitchen and notices Whitty making something. "Whitty why are you here?", Pico asks. "I'm making a fucking snack.", Whitty responds. Pico sighs and snatches the Mono-Cookbook and makes a regular pizza. It tasted pretty good but it wasn't the best. After everybody was done eating Pico went to Darnell's dorm. "Hanzou was acting weirder than usual yesterday.", Pico says. "Oh well then just ignore him. He's probably just trying to get your attention.", Darnell responded. "He didn't act weird today just yesterday.", Pico said. Darnell just shrugged. "It's getting even more late I would recommend you get to your dorm.", Darnell quipped. Pico nosed and waved Darnell goodbye. "Bye man see you tomorrow.", Pico said as he left. Darnell was waving bye as well. Pico sat on his bed a d quickly fell asleep. Figures. Pico likes his sleep.

Pico wakes up to the morning announcements, now weirdly aggressive. "WAKE UP PEOPLE. GET MURDERING ALREADY. THIS DANG CONCERT IS MAKING ME PISSED SO SOMETHING BETTER STOP IT BEFORE IT STARTS.", Monokuma screamed through the speaker. "Oh it's the day of the concert.", Pico though, shuffling himself out of bed. As soon as he got changed he rushed to the kitchen and noticed Carol all alone. "I guess they aren't up yet...",Carol said out loud," They better be up soon. They were talking about the concert for the past few days. It was all they would talk about!" Pico couldn't help but listen in. He wanted to help it though. Pico started cooking chicken and waffles. They tasted fine. Just like regular chicken and regular waffles. After everybody ate lunch Carol went to look for Sunday and Miku, just in case they weren't asleep somehow. Pico wandered around the school building. He already explored all there was to see. There's not really anything he hasn't seen before in this school building. Suddenly, while Pico was wandering, he heard a huge scream. "Did somebody find something? What happened?", Pico thought. He ran towards the scream, heart racing he busts down the door to find Whitty and Carol, both panicking over the truly despair inducing sight...

The decapitated body of Hatsune Miku. The ultimate Pop-Star. With her head on a makeshift pedestal.

~People Alive: Unknown~

~Author's notes~
Well this took a while. Glad it's finally done! You can probably guess the second person who dies. But no spoilers! Hope you enjoyed, and goodbye!

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