Tracer barely had a second to think before a bright blue beam flew past her head, she looked over to see Amelie crouched down aiming right at her with her rifle, "That was a warning shot" Amelie said, her voice having a french accent, "Next one won't be" Tracer flipped out her left pistol and started sidestepping to her left. "My blink can't take me that far" Tracer thought to herself. Amelie was on the other side of the room, her back almost to the wall. Tracer sprinted forward, before blinking to her left and right, in a zig-zaq pattern trying her best to throw off Amelie's aim. Amelie tracked her as Tracer blinked, taking a deep breath and pressing the trigger and hitting Tracer right in her ankle. Tracer fell forward leaving the ground for a second, But used the momentum of the fall to blink forward one last time landing right on top of Amelie. Tracer scrambled, grabbing Amelie's arm pinning it to her back. Amelie squirmed backwards, arching her back, her arm pushed up further increasing Tracer's grip. Tracer was about to ask what she was doing, but suddenly Amelie's feet appeared in front of Tracer's neck pushing her head back into the wall with a thud. "That's what it meant by increased flexibility" Tracer thought, her head pounding. Amelie got up aiming her arm at the top of the wall shooting out a grappling hook from her arm guard, she zipped up and wrapped the line around one of the ceiling support beams, then wrapping it around her leg. She trickled down extending the wire rifle in hand taking aim at Tracer. The class was rowdy at this point, calling out cheers for their friends, but Tracer could hear one voice in particular "She's above you, move!" Genji yelled out. Tracer ran, her head pulsing with a migraine, She blinked away until she could see Amelie more clearly. Tracer kept low to the ground trying to predict her shots, Amelie fired again Tracer blinked just in time, the bullet barely scraping her sleeve. Tracer ran around as unpredictably as she could, buying time. "What is she doing?" a random guy said in the back, murmurs started talking about her performance "She should just quit now, The widowmaker is the best shot in Talon" One of the kids snarked, he then let out a groan of pain as a nearby student punched his gut "Dude shut up she'd kill you if she heard you say that". Tracer blinked to dodge but Amelie had adapted and she had aimed right at her blink location. Nailing Tracer square in the forehead, Tracer's head felt like bombs were going off but this was just the opportunity she needed. Amelie started reloading, Tracer rapidly blinked towards and up the wall, Making the class give a loud "Woah!" As she ended up right behind her. Putting her pistol right to the line and letting it fire, it took a whole clip but the rope snapped sending Amelie down hitting the ground. Tracer was able to blink in the air to the other side of the room, hitting the ground with a roll. Amelie stood up clicking a button on her arm guard, throwing out three spider shaped mines. "Be careful love, just one of those is capable of taking down a normal man." Amelie said, replacing the magazine. "I'm not a normal man, '' Tracer replied. Tracer readied herself "Five seconds, I need to do this in five seconds" she thought to herself. Tracer bolted blinking as she went, setting off the three mines one by one until ending up right in front of Amelie. "Hey wait, stop! That's dangerous, get a doctor!" Amelie yelled. The class couldn't look away, tracer coughed as the venom of the mine made her dizzy but through it she grabbed the end of the rifle and pulled with all her might. Ripping the gun away from Amelie's grip. Tracer smiled as her plan was successful; she winked at Amelie before beginning her recall. Her body moved as if you pressed a rewind button, she moved backwards until she was at her starting point about five seconds prior. Tracer emerged from her recall holding Amelie's rifle and no toxin. She smiled "I think that's checkmate" she said throwing the rifle away. Amelie sighed and raised her hand "I surrender" She said, The class clapped except the Talon students, whose eyes rolled and faces scouled. Tracer walked over to the rest of the class before being stopped by Angela, "Tracer, how are you feeling?" She asked, "I'm alright, just a brutal headache." Tracer gasped a sudden influx of pain, "Some aspirin and I'll be fine" She said with a weak laugh. "No need" Angela responded. Angelas hand glowed with an aura of light, she touched her hand to Tracers cheek. A feeling of warmth spread through her body, the light entering Tracer, her headache fading. "Woah!" Tracer exclaimed, "That's cool!" She said, Angela smiled "You think we'd do this without some immediate healing?" She asked, Tracer giggled "I guess I didn't think that far ahead".

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