Sheppard glanced up at him through his glasses, his eyebrows raised. 

“Well, that’s what they’re expecting, isn’t it?”

“Of course, but not this exact strategy,” Sheppard countered. 

“Yes, but they’re still expecting some attack similar.”

“Indeed, what is your point, son?”

“I think we need to wait for them to strike us. In the meantime, we can gather forces, visit other cities and establish ourselves here,” Steven finished. We waited for Sheppard’s response. ‘They both of the potential to work.’ I reasoned with myself. 

“I see your point. So you would suggest we go and find other cities on the verge of collapse and maybe get inside them? Then collect what we can concerning numbers, food, ammunition...etc?” Sheppard questioned, standing straighter. 

“Yes, sir. I think it would be wiser than marching blindly into battle. We hardly escaped the last two,” Steven added. “They can’t hold out long without us in the fields or doing work around the town.”

“Hmmm,” Sheppard grunted, folding his glasses and sticking them in his top coat pocket. 

“See what I’m saying? We could go up to Melloette. There are bound to be some rebels there,” Steven suggested, pushing through the crowd. He placed his finger on several cities bordering us. 

“Yes, well...there always are,” Sheppard said, pulling his spectacles again from his pocket. “Hmmm…are you one of the young men involved in instigating The Office raid?”

“Yeah, Steven Ellow at your service,” my brother shook Sheppard’s hand. 

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Ellow.”

“Nice to meet you as well Mr. Mason.”

“Any more thoughts, gentlemen?” Sheppard asked, looking around. 

No one answered and everyone began heading back to their families. Steven stayed behind so we lingered as well. 

“My father died about…eh seven months—oh, this is my younger sister Annalisa,” Steven said, pulling us over. 

“Hello,” Annalisa waved politely, tears still shown on her face. I remembered Rylan. Did mother know?

“And our younger sister, Megan.”

My stomach churned nervously as my brother’s hero stared me in the eyes. Compared to my brave, strong siblings, I felt a little powerless. 

“And you are?” Sheppard turned to Mace who stood beside Annalisa. 

“Mace Everett,” he shook Sheppard’s hand. “I also assisted in The Office raid.” 

“He was our inside man,” Steven announced, crossing his arms. 

“Hm,” Sheppard grunted, eyeing the two boys. “Well, thank you for your service.” His voice and eyes were distant. It was as if he was searching for something in the back of his mind. “Well, good day. I’m sure we’ll be plotting again soon.”

“Yes, sir,” Steven nodded. “We better see mom.” He turned and led us out of the long tent. 

“What about Mace’s family?” I quietly asked Annalisa. I watched her silent expression as she didn’t answer. My stomach, once again, churned. Gone. His whole family except his older sister, Niah, had been lost in the battle. Niah had only survived because she was married off and living with her husband in the outer row of houses. 

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