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pankowupdates just tweeted!

pankowupdates: idk am I the only one who feels like Beau cheated on Rudy and convinced him that the baby was his?? She looks nothing like him.
↪️ junestarkey: beauallison get a load of this
↪️ beauallison: this is the funniest fucking tweet I have ever seen. I can tell you exactly when and where our daughter was conceived. Hint: it was after a doctors appointment and on our couch.

beauallison: apparently some of y'all don't think rudeth is Ellie's biological father. Since I am here at his parents house, his mother and I have decided to prove you wrong.

beauallison: picture one: Rudy October 1998 picture two: Eloise December 2022. They're literally twins. She has my nose, that's it. She's all Rudy.

glitterandpankow just posted!

glitterandpankow: I have seen some funny ass shit about my boyfriend on the internet but nothing beats someone saying I cheated on him and convinced him that Ellie was his.
🔁 longlivepankow: please that was so fucking funny. Like she is his literal twin???
🔁 glitterandpankow: also the fact I can tell you exactly when and where we conceived her???
1247 notes

glitterandpankow: Rudy just saw the tweets 😂 he's holding Ellie with her head in one hand and her butt in the other and just looked down at her and said "blind, they're all blind. Daddy wears prescription contacts and even he can see you're mine"
🔁 longlivepankow: Ellie is going to be a big sister before he can blink if he's not careful.
🔁 glitterandpankow: I hated being pregnant but at the same time I will give him a whole baseball team if he wants them.
1792 notes

glitterandpankow: The doctor told me I should be good to have sex by this weekend someone tell me why I'm nervous.
🔁 longlivepankow: because you pushed a baby out your hoohah. It's normal to be nervous to have sex after you have a baby. Go slow, Rudy is a giant softy, he'll stop if you get too uncomfortable. Drew isn't touching me until Ez is six months old though.
🔁 glitterandpankow: somehow I doubt that but okay.
879 notes.

glitterandpankow: Rudy just got hit in the face with breast milk because he was being annoying and Ellie doesn't want to latch and I'm FRUSTRATED.
🔁 ghostofstarkey: just imagining you aiming your boob at him and shooting him in the face with breast milk rn. I can almost see his face.
🔁 glitterandpankow: that is exactly what I did, "um, that is our daughters food you just hit me with"
This was his face after though hahaha

🔁 glitterandpankow: that is exactly what I did, "um, that is our daughters food you just hit me with" This was his face after though hahaha

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2300 notes

glitterandpankow: making Rudy go to the store and buy bottles so I can pump and feed Ellie. As much as I hate to say it, I think our breast feeding journey is coming to an end.
🔁 ghostofstarkey: as a mama who had to switch from nursing to pumping, I feel your disappointment babe. Just know that no matter how she's being fed, she's being fed and that's the important part.
789 notes.

beauallison just tweeted!

beauallison: defeated 😔

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