Calling out from past. Uchiha [smut] part 1

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Daikoku the god of time and space, were watching naruto . Kaguya and black zetsu won, and the only man standing was naruto uzumaki. Daikoku felt pity on the kid, who have always suffered since childhood, he lost his parents when he was born, lost his mini, lost his god father, lost many comrades on his way, and finally lost the whole population.

"Hmmm....i have an idea. I know this will work." Daikoku said as he appeared in front of naruto. Naruto was surprised to see someone other than him.
"Naruto uzumaki, i am Daikoku the god of time and i will be sending you to past along with few more, you all have to save the world from this distortion. But their is one condition along with that." Daikoku said as he looked at naruto, who was listening to him.

"May i know who all are accompanying me and what are the conditions ?". Naruto asked curiously to the god. At least in this way if he can save them he will.

"You will be accompanied indra otsutsuki, madara uchiha,itachi uchiha, izuna uchiha, obito uchiha and shisui uchiha . And about the condition, you will be marring them for going back to the past, i will bring them here, we will do the ceremony. As you are half maiden yourself, you will be conveying their children. These all are the prime cause for the war,and i am giving you a chance to alter the future. Don't worry you and itachi,obito and shisui will not be disappearing when you go back to past, but you . Rather i will be altering all of to past so you all will be legends in further." The god said as he showed how the future would be.

"Okey, if that will save the future i will happily do the task." Naruto said as he smile brightly.

"You are to kind and pure for this world, my child. I am only doing this is because i am saving those kids and you along with kurama from the unsettling future that was be holding them, you both stay here and i will come back with other." Daikoku said as he disappeared in to thin air.

Naruto waited for the god to come. After five minutes, Daikoku appeared along with indra, madara, itachi, izuna, obito and shisui. They all looked around to see the distribution and they then saw their future wife, who was walking towards them, they had a  light blush on their face when they saw naruto. Naruto's was blushing when he saw his future husbands, as they appeared he stood up and walked towards them and the god.

"Okay, i will start the ceremony for you marriage, and here are the rings which you will give them to naruto. Naruto here are their ring. When the ceremony will be over you will exchange the rings with you future husband." Daikoku said as he gave the rings to seven of them.

The rings were beautiful, one was white gold and other was black gold. Black rings were for the males and the golden rings were for naruto. As the ceremony started. The god changed their dress into wedding dress, all six of them were wearing traditional wedding outfit, were as naruto had a traditional wedding white  kimono, with golden flowers design, naruto was looking extremely beautiful in that outfit, six of them were stare struck by the beauty, who was standing in front of them.
After the ceremony all exchanged their rings to naruto.


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(uchiha x naruto) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt