xii. plan b

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Bailey and Tahani immediately knew something was up when Kaycee came stumbling into the kitchen at nearly noon the next day.

Of the trio, she was always the morning person and since her date ended on a sour note, there was no reason for it to have been the cause for her sleeping in.

Something had to have happened last night.

The girls watched as their friend tiredly rubbed at her swollen eyes and impatiently tapped at the kitchen counter as she watched the coffee drip into the pot.

Yet another sign that the girl must be having a rough morning because Kaycee only drank coffee over her usual tea on two occasions.

On long road-trips when she's stuck driving during the morning-shift and when she's too stressed that not even tea can calm her down.

It seemed like the girl was far too in her head to even notice her two best friends watching her every move. She hadn't even noticed their presence.

Turning around, Kaycee nearly jumped and spilled her coffee when her eyes finally registered the girls staring at her.

Clutching her chest trying to ease her heartbeat back to normal, she put on her best forced smile.

"Hey, I didn't even see you guys there! Gosh, I'm just so exhausted that date really did a number on me."

The other two scoffed in sync, Kaycee should know better by now than to try to lie to them.

"Cut the crap, Rice," Bailey started "you weren't even on your date for an hour before we had to come to your rescue."

"We were in bed by before midnight," Tahani chimes in curiously, "any reason you're just waking up over 12 hours later?"

"Um... stomach ache?" she tried to cover up meekly despite knowing there was no use in trying to get out of this one.

The stared right at her as an unimpressed look graced both of their faces.

"Okay seriously Kayc, what's going on and for our sanity and your physical well-being don't even try to lie this time. I mean it because I will force the information out of you myself."

"Guys, come on now. It's nothing," she assured but they still didn't budge, "I just had some trouble sleeping, it's no big deal I promise."

"Puh-lease, I've seen you sleep through quite literally anything. We were roommates in college remember? I've watched you sleep through at least 7 earthquakes while me and Bails were scared shitless."

She watched their faces, brows raised as if waiting for her to spill the truth. Their expressions urged her to come clean, but she doesn't know if she has the strength to tell them what really happened without sobbing halfway through.

So she said nothing, simply pulling out her phone and opening her texts with Sean.

She walked to the island, where they were seated, and slid the phone across to them. Nodding her head in its direction, queuing them to hit play on that very same button she abused just hours ago.

Surely, she must have listened to the message over 50 times. Every time she felt like she was done crying over it and ready to get some shut eye, the pain in his voice played over and over in her mind.

Her thoughts were broken by that very same voice as Tahani hit play.

She watched as her friends listened closely, their eyes widening simultaneously at the boy's admission and promise to keep away from the girl. Their silence was impossibly loud, they hadn't moved an inch. Both afraid that their reactions may pain their friend even more.

trying to save us Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя