Chapter 2 - "Our First Conversation"

Start from the beginning

When I finished cleaning my dishes, I slipped outside. The mail hadn't yet arrived. However, spotting the flowerbeds Mom had planted in the front yard and taking into account the humid weather, I meandered to grab the watering can. I spotted it in the middle of the backyard. Although it was light to the touch, by the time I filled it with water and attempted to haul it to the front yard, my noodle arms struggled to muster the strength to hold it. Following much trial and error, I finally hoisted it up, and toddled my way over to the flowers.

A bike bell sounded.

"Go—good morning!"

It was a clumsy, and a very much bashful, greeting. When I rounded the bend, the first thing I spotted was the bike in question. A white t-shirt and sweatpants next. It must've been the paperboy.

"Good morni— Aoyama?"

My shock couldn't be contained. In fact, identifying the paperboy as the classmate that'd been on my mind as of late, knocked all the oxygen out of my lungs. Coincidentally, my foot caught on the front walkway. I tripped face-first, but not without releasing the watering can. It was in the air for less than several seconds but the water inside of it flung quite the distance. Splashed Aoyama's head and clothes, as well as the bundle of newspapers in his front basket.

I stabilized myself in the nick of time, giving me a hot minute to come to terms with what had occurred. What I'd caused.

Aoyama's dark hair, now curling at the tips, clung to his forehead. Water dripped down cheeks and nose. His soaked t-shirt, now see-through, clearly outlined his toned upper torso. It was a disaster. Apologies fastened to the roof of my mouth. Mortified and desperate, I scrambled to articulate the best one.

He beat me to the punch.

Unexpectedly, with a bashful laugh and smile.

"That was cold."

My heart skipped a beat. I blamed it on a variety of reasons; the most prominent being that I hadn't expected it. I'd splashed the majority of the papers he was delivering—drenched him, this early in the morning. In class, we hadn't interacted once. He kept to himself and never stood out. Now that we were as close as we were, now that I'd witnessed the oddity that was his stunning smile, I had to wonder why that was the case.

"Oh. . . that's because I filled it up moment ago to water the plants—" Heat blossomed across my cheeks. My shoulders leaped. "I—I mean, l-let me grab you something to dry yourself off with!"

Embarrassed beyond reason, I stumbled on my way inside my house.

His chuckle that followed added to my nerves.

The only option I could find was a brand new wash towel—bright pink and decorated in hearts as it was. Knowing I shouldn't keep him waiting, and dreading the idea of going back out there to own up to my actions, I forced myself back outside. The summer sun was warm on my blazing skin.

Unable to bring myself to make eye contact, I bowed, extending it out for him.

"I—I'm sorry!"

"It's all right, Tsukahara." His soft utterance of my name gave my heart another excuse to pound. "I was thinking about how hot it was this morning. More than that, I'm shocked your house is first I had to deliver to."

He dried his face as he spoke, words muffled by the cotton.

My eyebrows skyrocketed when it settled in.

"You're new to the job?"

"I officially started today. Honestly, I was super nervous. I fell off my bike a handful of times on my way here." Another gentle laugh escaped him. "This ironically has cooled me off. Thank you."

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