HIS✨ (part 02)

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His psychopath


Walking down the hallway she hauled the sweater above her head, hiding her frame from no one in particular. She speeds up towards her house with a grocery bag in her hand. Each step makes her turn around in paranoia of being followed.

Getting inside the house she slams the door shut and takes a breath of relief standing against the wooden barrier. Gulping the lump in her throat she strolls towards her bedroom to confront the Man she was completely insane about. Insane in a good way or bad way? You'll know the answer soon.

His magnificent body lay on the bed as his soul wanders in the land of harmony. His muscular body made her bed look tiny in comparison. She sits beside him and takes a moment to admire his being. As she caresses his face with her fingers, he wakes up in a jolt and stops her from touching him.

He clutches his head in his hand as it swirls due to the drug consumed. He tries to free his other arm only to find it handcuffed with the bed. He yanks roughly on it to crack or just free him up but to no avail.

He groans loudly making the girl flinch a little. "Who are you?? Why am I here?? What the fuck do you want??" He cries out in frustration.

"I AM ASKING YOU SOMETHING!! TELL ME! WHY AM I HERE AGAINST MY WILL??" He calls out for the woman again but she walks out of the door instead. He breaks down into a fit of weepings as frustration whirls inside his head.


The woman walks back inside the room as he sits there still cuffed to the bed, starting in emptiness. All he wants is to go back home, in the safety and warmth of those four walls.

She walks closer to him but not enough to be grabbed by him and slowly pushes a plate filled with food towards him. He looks at the plate than at her face, she stands there vacant of any emotion. He grunts and pushes the dish away making her sigh softly.

"I need to use the washroom." He growls lowly. But the woman doesn't budge from her place.

"I said I need to take a piss unless you are interested in watching me do it in my pants, on your bed." He mentions harshly and all she does is sigh.

She walks towards him with a bunch of keys and opens his cuff from the bed to only tie it around his other wrist.

"You realize I need to open the zipper lower the pants and flush and stuff with my fucking hands. Unless you are gonna do it for me." He snickers dryly. She is forced to free one wrist and pulls him up from his bed towards the restroom.

"Gonna join me in, for a show??" He mocks her, making her close her eyes and sigh.
She pushes him inside and walks around gathering him some stuff for a bath.


His eyes wander around the room, now noticing its interior and decor. The walls were painted in shades of blue with his posters all over the room.

He yells and screams in frustration, just wanting to return home. Lifting the glass he smashes it over the wall, making the girl rush into his room. Her eyes get watery at the sight as she gulps and starts picking the glass pieces. He walks towards her, stepping on glass unknowingly, letting out a cry of pain. She pulls him away from the mess, back to the bed. She plucks the glass off both his feet making him hiss.

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