HIS✨ (part 01)

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His Mirage


He sat inside this warm cafe in his neighborhood, hiding below his hoddie, sitting and observing everyone. Taking a break from all the fame and shame. Just noticing others, their lifestyle, their routine.

He refused to speak to anyone, refused to meet people. All he wants some moment of peace, which obviously isn't possible with a brain like his. His thoughts won't rest, not when he is awake, not when he is asleep.

As his eyes scan around the room they fall on a beautiful woman and he is immediately drawn to her. Not in a love-at-first-sight way but more likely intrigued way. She sits there alone with her laptop on the table, her coffee in her hand, her specs cutely rests on her nose. Her hair was tied in a loose bun with strands falling on her face. She sits with her legs folded and her aura is so sweet and soft. It's like she is sitting in the spotlight because he isn't able to take his eyes off her.

It's not just how beautiful she is but the aura she has him so intrigued that he wants to know her, to talk to her - about anything and nothing. There is suddenly this urge to interact, more likely hear her talk. She types on her keyboard, her fingers dancing on the keys delicately, as she sips her coffee. She looks up and catches him looking at her with so much interest, making her cheeks heat up.

She waves at him shyly, as he narrows his eyes at her. Does she know him? Sure she does, every fucking person does. This has him clenching his jaw. Taking deep breaths he looks at her again to find her frowning at particularly nothing, she shakes her head and continues her work on the laptop.

He gets up from his seat and walks towards her table, pulling a chair out he sits down without her permission. She looks at him from her lashes, making his heart calm down, his tensed nerves cool down, his clenched jaw unclench.

"Hey!" She whispers in her soft angelic voice, making him think she is too good to be true.

"Hi!" Comes his gruff voice.

"I'm Sia! You are?" She questions.

He frowns at her, "You don't know me? Then why did you wave at me?"

"I don't know, I just felt like it!"

"Do you always do things you feel like?"


He had never met a person like her, let alone a woman. She was so calm and soft and... Different. Every word she spoke was like an imprint leaving on his brain. Everything about her was so interesting to him, like the way she couldn't continue one job for a long time because she would get bored. The fact that she couldn't stay in one place for a long time either because she wants a change.

The way she explained to him about her current job in journalism. He just wanted to consume everything she was giving to him. Every fucking thing.

Time flew away and soon they were in his house having dinner while she would talk about anything she could find. A small and unknown smile plays on his pink lips; he doesn't remember the last time he had smiled genuinely, apart from the smiles he faked for the cameras.

As the night went on the two of them ended up on his bed cuddled up, as he would play with her silky soft hair and she would just lay and hear his heartbeat. She looks up at him, her eyes twinkling, "Make love to me!"

"Are you sure, Sia? I don't wanna force things on you."

"I'm sure!" She smiles at him sweetly.

He dips his mouth down to hers and catches her into a slow passionate kiss and the rest is kinda blur.

As he calms his breath, "Will you stay, Sia?"

"You know I can't. Maybe someday you won't be a famous singer anymore. Maybe we'll meet in bar, where you'll perform while I'll be the hot bartender serving drinks." She cups his face and brushes their nose.

"Pull your life together Darshan. I really want this dream of mine to fulfill." It has him nodding his head, automatically.

The next morning he wakes up on his bed alone and naked. Not a single thing indicates Sia's presence last night. The bed doesn't smell like her. Not an object misplaced. His hand brushes through his hair as he is frustrated, he tries to think about the last day. It's all a little blur like a dream or a haze.

When he spoke to his personal psychiatrist, he wasn't really happy hearing this incident. According to him, Sia could have been just his dream or a creation of his brain. He says it was his brain trying to get Darshan to pull his life back together, asking him to start fresh. To have a happy life.

But Darshan isn't sure that his psychiatrist was right. He has hope. So he gives in and starts to pull his life together, in the hope to find his beautiful mirage.

It's been so long since I updated this book. This is a unique short story, I really hope you enjoy it. Please drop feedback.




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This means so much to me💙😭

This means so much to me💙😭

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