The Truth ?

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Sorry for taking so long to update, I have a rugby final at Murray Field in an hour but I needed to keep you guys updated ! Hope you enjoy the tension that is building up and mystery, Enjoy!

It's Sunday morning and I wake up with a migraine, I walk over to the window and pull back the drapes, at least the sun is shining. I walk over with my bare feet down the spiral stairs, pick up the phone and dial Luna's number. 'Hello' says the voice on the other line, 'hey' I reply, 'wanna meet up at the park?' She agrees and I put down the phone, throw on a jacket and some shorts and fetch my bike.
As I pedal at an average pace I see a lambo, parked outside of the pizza shack that I work at, containing a guy with chestnut hair gelled up at the front. I walk over and make a suttle conversation starter, 'you new here ?' I ask, 'I guess' he replies.
'Well', I say, 'you coming to the hill ?' 'Yeh' he says whilst sweeping a hair from his face and giving a side smirk. 'See you Monday?', He nods.
I get back on my bike and pedal away, noticing his eyes following me as I turn the corner whilst peering over my shoulder. I finally arrive at the park and join Luna on the swings, slowly rocking back and forth, she noticed I was late but didn't seem to mind. I am subtle and ask her if she knew anything about the museum thing yesterday, she said she was passing by but didn't see much. 'Anyway' I say, 'wanna come over for dinner ?' She agrees and we exchange smiles. Then her smile fades, she says she can't as she is trying to find her birth mother. ' I'll come with you', I say eagerly, at first she looked confused at me whilst staring at her shoes and then nods in agreement then looks back up at me smiling. We both stand up and grab the football she brang and head off to the football pitch, we've both been playing together since we could walk. We kick the ball about and I notice a red flickering light on her wrist, 'what's that' I ask in curiosity, 'just a torch thing' she replies looking startled and shoots for a goal but misses. 'See you at 5:30 ?' I ask, 'sure' she answers as I jump on my bike and ride away.
It's 5:30 and Luna arrives at the house, then we both head up to my room and do some research on her mother. All she knew was that her name was Suzanne Klieven. We were both sitting on the carpet for hours searching google and went through 12 cans of 'coca cola' and then she gasps. I quickly turn to face her, her face locked onto the screen, 'she's dead!' She screams, my mum is dead ! I look at the screen and see a picture of what looks like an older version of Luna and a tear builds up in my eye as I watch Luna's turn into a river. It kills me to see her cry, I hate it, I reach out and put my arms around her, comforting her. I take the laptop and look for the cause of death, 'car crash on M73' my eyes zoom out, my mind goes blank and everything goes dark. I wake up on my mattress finding my dad beside the bed looking over me, 'Scarlett, can you hear me? you fainted.' I gaze around the room not noticing my dad to try and locate Luna, she was gone. This was the worst timing for my diabetes to kick in, I think I have just solved everything and I needed to ask Luna some very Important questions, and, if my assumptions were correct, we could be sisters...

Danger city (Villian POV)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя