Badmington Battle

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Thank you so much for 20 views on last chapter, I was really hesitant on making a book as I thought nobody would show any interest, much to my surprise they are! Enjoy this chapter, you earned it ! :D

It's badminton.
I reach for my chosen weapon: racket
I then take ammunition: shuttlecock
And it begins.
I hit
She hits
I hit harder
She hits lighter
One point.
It goes on.
I can see the droplets of sweat glide down her face, determination in her eyes, I can tell she is giving it her last strength. I too am giving it all of my strength, she hits the shuttlecock high and I reach to hit back and miss, defeat. A grin spreads across her face, relieved the game is over. Overall I win one game and she wins one, victory feels good, we agree on a good game and the bell rings 'assembly' I whine reluctantly my face saddens. We then head back up to the changing rooms but they are locked, she sends me to go to the PE office to see if a teacher was there, I look around but I find nobody. I finally come back after about 10 minutes to find Luna had managed to open the door, she says she used a hair clip, though I couldn't see one in her hair. With a confused face I think no more about it and get ready for assembly prior to sorting each other's ties. After assembly we part, I go up to the top floor toilets and find a girl lying on the floor crying and a tall girl standing over her, I march over full of fury and push her back against the wall and look over my shoulder at the girl. The girl has bruises on her left eye and her arm I turn back to the bully and punch her twice one at the right cheek and one at the nose and heard a crack the bully then hits back against my cheek leaving an extortionate pain running through my body I give a loud yelp and push the bully against the floor making them too scared to fight back. I pick up the girl and take her to first aid, it's up to her to tell what happened. Then the bell rings.

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