The fun begins...

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20 views again! Almost up to date with BadWolfTARDIS ! After 30 views the next chapter will be uploaded ! Excited much ?! Enjoy ! Xx

-insert bell sound here- As the bell rings I'm out of that classroom before anyone else and sprint and jump down the three flights of stairs, a grin spread across my face. Once I reached the door I looked around to locate the tree. I ran towards the tree like an absolute weirdo and walked behind it, attempting to look at least the slightest bit casual, behind the tree I pressed my key chain containing a Bluetooth connecting lock and heard a click, before my eyes the trunk of the tree slid to the left and I stepped inside. In less than a minute I came out in my chosen outfit (recently chosen that morning) my white tank top and my black and white polka dot skirt accompanied by my stomach length leather jacket. And to complete the look a black mask with some gems and a simple bow in my hair.
I sprint over to my dad's Mercedes and get dropped off at the museum after telling my dad I had a project to complete. Just as I turned up, whatta you know, she's here -ugh- I groan in disgust and look her up and down like she's a piece of dirt on my peach louboutin's. She presumes I'm not here for the museum and realises that I must be the cause of the mayhem inside the museum, which I wasn't for once yet gladly took responsibility for it.
She then threatened me. She looked down at her hands and had a puzzled look on her face. My hands suddenly produced some sort of ice, I asked her 'what did you do?!' She replied and denied that she had done anything, without any second to spare I tested my abilities and aimed for her feet. Her feet were frozen to the ground yet she managed to escape using some sort of powerful wind force and shot up in the air. I aimed for her, she aimed for me and a blizzard had formed between us making it impossible to even see each other's silhouettes. I played this to my advantage and used the time to escape. Yes, success, I looked over my shoulder at her whilst continuing sprinting down the alley between the museum and a set of flats and laughed to myself looking at her confused, stunned face. This was easier than I thought. Yet this was not over yet, I noticed she got a new suite recently and took this chance and got out my lighter with R.R engraved on the side of it and lit a piece of paper I had in my pocket and slipped it through the letter box and left a note saying 'from Red Ruby x'.

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