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A/N sorry for such a short chapter, promise next one will be twice as long, probably longer because I get carried away... xD anyway just read 😹

I decide enough is enough and come to a conclusion to set up a trap to catch my enemy, moon light, it was time to see who she really was, the temptation was unbearable and slowly eating at me. I glance over at the pet store across the road and walk over casually and break the glass, this must have put off her alarm. Just as I suspected and right on time I see her flying over, I take cover then blast her with my ice. I watched, stunned as she fell to the ground. I walk over, reach my hand out to her mask but take a quick glance up and see a towering 'T' shape heading towards me, after all, this is America. The tornado was making it's way towards us, I drag Moon Light out of the way and run, completely forgetting to uncover who she really is. The tornado passes and I'm lying in my bed, regretting not taking my opportunity to find out what I have wanted to for what seems like forever. I'll get another opportunity, this is not over.

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