Chapter 1: My Delicous Best Friend

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I watched him from across the grassy field. Ary. His dark hair blew gently in the wind and I could smell his rich mint-chocolate scent, his smell, mixed with the healthy blood pounding in his sweet veins. He was smiling and spinning around and he fell over and laughed. I crouched lower in the long grass. I stood up slowly and walked up to him. He smiled at me and white teeth flashed against dark skin. I looked at our paint-splattered black Converse and smiled.

I grabbed his shoulders and held him closer. I craned my head around his neck as my canines lengthened. I opened my mouth and sank my fangs into him. I knew he couldn't feel anything because my fangs have a numbing liquid coating them and yet I still felt him stiffen and take a small intake of breath. I gulped and drank greedily. Delicious red exploded in my mouth and my whole body went tingly. I wonder how he felt.  His breath started to slow down and I finally pulled away and wiped my bloody mouth on my wrist. He was barely conscious in my arms. His face was calm, despite what I just did. His eyelashes, that made black crescents on his cheeks when they were closed, fluttered for a moment. I kissed his forehead and took off running, his body hanging lightly in my arms.  

I laid him down. He stirred and opened his eyes slowly. Moss green eyes stared at me for a sec before refocusing. Well, actually, only one eye. The other one was obscured by his long dark hair in the front. I smiled at him and helped him sit up. Ary rubbed his head and looked around. Our secret old hideout was mainly composed of old blankets and scrap pieces of wood nailed together and a big air mattress in the middle. All of our artwork and documents were hanging on the walls in sheet protectors. When we were kids we made sure that it would be big enough for us when we grew up. So we fit just fine, except the bed. It was a bit small but we survived with it. We built it by the tree where I met him.

Ary was sitting on the bed at the moment and was holding his head in between his hands. I patted and rubbed his back. His blood was pounding through my veins and I felt awake. On the other hand, Ary was cold, pale and tired. I had an empathy link with him after I have drunk his blood after a while so I could tell he was tired despite what he tells me.

        Ary and I had made an agreement - well, he did, actually- that whenever I got too thirsty, then he had made it his duty to be there and feed me. I didn't like it but he insisted.

        I shifted my attention back to Ary. He was trying to stand up but I put my hand on his shoulder and made sure he sat down.

        "Ary, if you feed me, then you have to take the time to recuperate. I can't live this way if you don't. Please." I looked away and sat down next to him.

        "Alex, I only want to help you. You don't have to help me back." He smiled and laid down.  

          “Whatever, dude. You are way too self-sacrificing.”

        I grabbed the extra blanket that was folded on the end of the bed and laid it on top of Ary, who shivered and pulled it closer. I hated seeing him this way. He was usually strong and hyper and really sweet.

        I sat down and looked at my watch. It was two in the afternoon. We still had hours left before we had to go home. Ary was asleep and his breathing was deep and slow.

        I am half vampire. My parents died when I was two, so I stay with my Aunt Martha and Uncle Joe. I still have to drink blood but not as much as full vampires. I can use vampire powers, like erasing their memories of the bite (and using my powers brings on bloodlust). I sighed and stroked Ary's hair. He was my best friend and was always thinking of others before himself. Sometime between me meeting him and me almost biting his cat, I had told him I was a vampire. He thought it was cool.

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